Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Headless Flintstones

The Flintstones was the very first prime time cartoon, the first two years the show was aim at adults and came on Friday nights on ABC at 8:30 PM ET 

After which it was aim for teenagers but came on Thursday nights because they thought most of them would be on dates on Fridays.The show it seems is loosely base on Jackie Gleanson's Honeymooners.

Where does the headless Flintstones come in ? Most of the cartoon cels had headless characters drawn on them, it was a way to save time and money by just drawing, and animate just the heads.

 For example if a character is talking for about a minute with his/hers hands on the side of their body it would make NO sense to re-drawn the same stationary body over and over again. They would just lay the head cels first then place their body cel the reason they bob their heads slightly up and down.

Not only that, but in some of their cartoons they would have repeating backgrounds. Remember seeing the old movies? Were people was suppose to be on a train , you look outside of the train window and notice they pass the same tree over and over 

Computers make cartoon making simpler now, just animated a character walking, once that is animated, the computer will automatically moved the background at the chosen speed. Heck one does not even need an ink and paint department anymore, nor do they need a cartoon camera.

The Flintstones are now on METV at 6 PM ET weekdays, and on Sundays 10 AM to 12 NOON, and they were made the old fashion way, with ink and paint and a cartoon camera that aimed down on the drawings.(end)
                        click here for Pebble's Birthday

Sunday, October 13, 2019


One of the board games I like to play is scrabble, there are lot of various ways to play the game, but I like the original rules once a person places a triple or double word score the extra bonus points become delinquent to the other players.This way people will play all over the board instead of staying in the same area.

But if a person is playing with their foreign friends they will have to realize; If the words sound the same doesn't mean they are spelled the same. For example: 'An American gentleman traveled, and a British gentleman travelled

On Halloween an America kid puts on a mask, while a British kid puts on a maskque, there is also a bank check (American) and bank cheque (British)

Now let's try German. When an Americans plays shoe, the German would play Schuh (they both are pronounce the same) and remember the German 'J' sounds like a English 'y' the words below mean the same thing and pronounce the same in German and English, except they are spelled differently.

                      American- German
                           young -  jung
                              fish-  Fisch
                            swine- Schwine
                              mine- mein
                               beer- Bier
                         October -Oktober 
                             uncle  -Onkel
                             yodel - jodel
                      December -Dezember
                             house -Haus
                             mouse- Maus
                                 man -Mann
                                 here -hier
                               brown -braun
                                green -grun
                                    fat  -fett
                                    tea  -Tee
Also when a noun is use their plurals are different on 'minute' Americans add an 'S" while Germans add a 'N"
                             minutes-mintuen but in this case they are not pronounce the same;  Minuten is pronounce Min- nute- ton.There are other ways Germans plural their nouns not always with a N or S. 

There are exceptions of the 'J' sounding like a 'Y' in German, for example the word 'job' is pronounced the same in both English and German and means the same thing, and spelled the same.

Now let's try Spanish; Even if the word is spelled the same in both  English and Spanish  and means the same thing; The pronunciations are different, in Spanish 'idiot' is pronounced "Id- dee- oat-Ta" 

Another word that means the same in both Spanish and English but pronounce different is 'general' . We all know that the Spanish 'J' sounds like a 'H',  so does a 'G' if it becomes right before an 'E' making the pronunciation 'Hen-R-Al" 
       click here to heard general in Spainish

Now words do change meanings in time, in the early 50's and 60's the word 'Gay" meant happy and care free. You probably even heard The Flintstones theme song with one lyric saying "We will have a gay old time". (end, fin, ende)  :)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

New Joker Movie--Free Speech ?

The new Joker movie is rated 'R' and it's going to be bloody, I DO watch some 'R' rated movies if they do not contain grapic/gory violence; A few 'F' words and/or nudity I can handle. 

Yes, there is a such a thing as free speech, but that does not mean you can yell "FIRE" in a crowded movie theater if no danger exist. I believe that is both endangerment to the public because it may cause unnecessary panic and  it is also disorderly conduct.

The movie wants to teach people a lesson on what would happen if a person gets push   too far, they push back and care for nobody.This is how the Joker was in the comics before there was a comics code authority, after which the Joker was toned down.

The country of China has banned the Joker movie  and other European countries  have followed suit,as well; I believe it will be banned in most of the United States,not only the movie, but their related products as well, Joker masks, Joker toys, and maybe white geese paint etc.The new Joker movie ? Not for me.

Our local theater on one Friday night had shown the movie "Jackass The Movie" the next day on Saturday morning there were lot of sirens heard , teenagers were trying to do the movie's fake stunts. A sheriff came to the theater and seized  the film and the theater was ordered not to show that movie any more.The sheriff locked the film in his desk, before it was mailed back to the studio.I believe - this will also happen to the new Joker movie.

As for all the adjectives saying The New Joker movie is a good movie-WELL, movie companies will pay magazines on what to say and what to post

If The Joker movie is legal in your locale, go at your own risk (end)

Monday, August 12, 2019

Seeing Is Not Always Believing-

You're walking one night in the neighborhood, you stop at one house and through the blinds you see a silhouette (shadow) of a woman plunging a knife in a body, when it is pulled out you see liquid dripping. Did a murder actually take place? A few moments later it was found out she was simply cutting her a piece of a runny cherry pie, no murder had taken place.

At an another time you walk the neighborhood,you look up inside a window and notice an under age kid smoking, but he wasn't smoking, but soldering his kit that he just had bought from Radio Shack.

You go to a live theater you see a silhouette of a man playing a piano behind the curtains, is that piano actually there, maybe, or maybe not it could simply be a cardboard cutout along with a record playing piano music.

                      Let's Fool Someone Eyes
From a reverse deck of cards, a deck with black diamonds,black hearts, red spades and red clubs take out the black 9 of hearts.

Now get two other face cards from a regular deck A ace of diamonds and a jack of clubs. Put the black nine of hearts between the other two cards.

When performing the trick say "Here is the ace of diamonds" and turn it face-down on the table,"Here is the 9 of spades {actually it is the black 9 of hearts} and place that face-down of the table and finally place the jack of clubs face-down on the table.

Now tell your friend you just made the 9 of spades disappear. He/she will pick it up and would say "It's right here" tell them to look at that card again, When he/she notice it is the black nine of hearts they may grab your hands, wondering where you hid the 9 of spades. Only reason they thought the black 9 of hearts are spades, because you told them it was.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Andrea Jürgens R.I.P

In 2004 my stomach and chest started to hurt, when I went to the hospital they told me I had a kidney infection, but in my case after giving me a prescription for Cipro they told me to drink plenty of water and fruit juices to flush my infection out.Just drinking coffee from day to day isn't going to do it.

Unfortunately in 2017 Andrea Jugens (An-dre-ah  Yo-gins) a German female singer also had a kidney infection; Sad to say; She did not make it. This beautiful talented innocent lady had died.

I will  always will love her  singing, and  something I felt that wasn't even possible; Her singing actually makes me feel the love she has for all the peoples of the world; As if many tiny love arrows were piercing our very souls and filling the emptiness of our hearts with her love.
I just wish in heaven she can feel our love that we have for her.                                                  I love you,Andrea
                                             with all my heart
                                            and for all eternally
          click here for: To Dream Of You--  sung by Andrea Jurgens

Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Burning Screaming Televangelist

"Norman" was a televangelist one day on his broadcast he ask all his followers in his church and to the people at home to send $100 so he and the church could feed the poor.

When that day came the church invited all the poor people to their church for a dinner and it was televised, but once the show was over he told the poor people to leave,  the church and their members wanted the food just for themselves.

The poor people spoke up saying that they're are tired of being hungry all the time; "Norman"did promise them they won't go hungry by machine gunning them down."There says "Norman" your starving days are over !"

He had had told his congregation that the poor people had to be killed because they had nothing to offer: They weren't able to give any money to the church. 

The super-heroine's daughter and her mom got wind about the event, and decided to punish the televangelist,  with their mercy  now gone they headed for the evil church.

Once at the church the super-heroine's daughter threw a giant fireball from her hands and set the evil televangelist on fire. "Don't kill him !" yelled her mom.

The super-mom flew around the evil televangelist in circles until he was  finally locked in a  repeated time loop... "Norman"  won't die, but the time loop does repeats itself over and over, and each time it does the evil televangelist now feels extreme  pain and his skin being burnt over and over again for eternally.... Yes, "Norman" literally went to hell, isolated from the rest of the world.

*except for the killing parts and the super-heroines this story is base on true events.The church is currently closed and their evil members arrested.(end)

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Prelude To A Love Letter

Back in 1963 Allison and Heidi identical German twins had to head back to Germany, but this time west Germany.  I wrote them a love letter which I mailed in care of my elementary school, but a few weeks later I myself had to moved to a new elementary school and yes, I met new girls there, so like they say there is a lot of fish in the sea.So what did I write into the letter? Before I get into that, first a little history....

It was very foggy and wet in Germany , the visibility was near zero, so Allison,Heidi, their family, and the rest of the east German people saw an opportunely to make their escape going over the Berlin's now slick wall, most made it to west Germany including the German twins and family. 

Fortunately there were no body heat seeker instruments then for the guards to use , but where were the guards? As it turns out most of those guards did not want to live in east Germany either, so up the wall they went, without making any arrests.

The German twins and family made it to Columbus, Ohio in the United States and  the twins wound up in my fifth grade class, where they would  help teach us German. 

After school I had a lot of playtime with the German twins but I had other friends there as well, male and female and everyone of us had pure love and not that bar talk kind. We respected, love and appreciated each other and even in some cases protected each other.

                So what was in the love letter?
    I cannot remember all of it, but here is what I do remember:

                     Liebe, Allison and Heidi, 
As you know  you're leaving for west Germany needless to say that I am going to miss you, two. I am looking out my bedroom window, while writing this letter,looking up at the night sky: They say there are a zillion stars and each star feels like a tear that I am crying...

So since that was the last time we will ever meet, I believe it is safe, now, to tell you both that "Ich liebe euch beide" ( I love you ,both). Yes, I love you both, my dear friends.  

                                                             Love, your dear friend,
                                             See also :
                              Angels Have Golden Wings

Friday, May 10, 2019

The Dangers Of Fake Knowledge

I know a female friend whose brain is full of fake knowledge (superstitions mostly) and there doesn't seem to be enough room for real knowledge or no real knowledge at all .Cases in point....

                        911 are for humans only
One day her dog started choking and she decided to call 911, I told her not to call 911, but to call the vets instead, if she did call 911 she would  have been heavily fine and would gone to jail for misusing the 911 system.

                      Third degree burns
Another day her grandson caught her almost putting out a geese fire with water, fortunately he had stop her,if she went through with the act the flames would jump five feet in the air and she would have been burn with third degree burns (the one with the blisters) and would have required a trip to the hospital.

                 Fire in the microwave
The female friend had a fire in the microwave, she was about to unplug it until another grandson told her to leave it alone and let it burn out. Fires need oxygen to burn, when the oxygen runs out the fire goes out; Also if she had open the oven door while there is a fire inside, the build,-up pressure would make the door fly off and done her bodily harm.

It is not always about stupid acts but her lack of knowledge asking me questions like "What'a a retina?" something she should have known since the fourth grade.Real knowledge is the key here (end)

Saturday, April 20, 2019

The Phantom Dialers

A few years ago  I had super religious people living next door to me, you know the type we're better than anyone else,anyway they notice the television cable under my house and they disconnected it from the splitter.

They probably thought my television cables were phone wires and  called the police . One policeman showed up at my door, he told me the sheriff department called the police department saying my phone keeps phantom dialing 911, but I did not hear any sirens, so I knew it was a setup.

 I was waiting for him to point at the cable wires which he did, and shouted" It would have not happen if I hadn't  mess with these phone wires !"

I told him those are not telephone wires, my telephone wires are on the back side of my house. I showed him the black box ( a consumer box) ,the right side is okay for consumer use, but not the left side. 

The left side is for telephone company use only.The policeman notice that the phone wires were much smaller,  I even had showed him my bank statements proving that I am actually paying for the cable/internet and phone, and he can confirm it by calling those companies.

After the policeman left I had check my phone lines and reconnected by television cable to the splitter.

The thing to do now is prevent those super religious church people from disconnecting my lines. 

I did this by hiding the real wiring under ground then I got another loose television cable, I buried the "fake" cable part way , cut the top part in two and stripped them. 

Now when my neighbors see the fake cable cut into two they'll leave it alone, and to be safe I did the same  on my phone wires; Fake (disconnected) phone wires sticking above ground.Now I can watch cable television and use my phone without interruptions.

Fortunately, my super religious neighbors had moved out, and I know they will screw up completely some day, because their whole family are complete idiots, not even one smart one among the bunch.

NOTE:  The cable company's job is to install cable at your house, what you do with it, is your business that includes connected it to a 2-way, 3-way etc splitters.(end)

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Dirty Tricks Of TV Faith Healers

Since I am not superstitious I do not believe in ghosts except for the holy ghost or if you wish the holy spirit. (The God that is with in you)

One day my brother called and told me a female friend of his has been having stomach problems, he ask me if I am the rest of the church could prayed for her, after three weeks she was cured. My brother told me those prayers probably have work.

When you ask God for a healing it doesn't take place right away it has to be done gradually, after all if you scrape your knee it is going to take few days to have it healed.

God does answer prayers even those of healing but the answer she/he might likely to give is to wait. Keep praying and don't give up hope. In severed cases the answer may be wait, wait and wait.

Most answers in prayers if not physical healing, then it might be they discovered and created a new drug that takes care of the problem.Yes, a discovery of a new drug may have been an answer to prayers.

How about the faith healers on tv ? They seem to heal people right away. Well, those faith healers are all fake and they can be dangerous when people are told not to go to doctors and to throw their prescription pills  away.If your church is like that.. then it is time to leave and to report them.

It is okay to go to church to ask for a healing, but also do  what your doctor tells you and keep taking your prescriptions..after all my pastor still wears his eye glasses :)  (end)
                click here for fake faith healer tricks (17 minutes)

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

I Am, What I Am NOT

Thought it was time to update my profile, however most of my private life is let's say top secret; to protect myself and others from harm, from the weirdos on the internet, but I do trust my Facebook friends, twitter followers and the people who I follow. My personal Facebook account is private. Now for the profile...

First, I am not a white extremist, nor I ever will be, if we want peace, we all have to get along. All hate groups are block on all my browsers and on Facebook and Twitter. Also I have blocked all Trump media from my facebook and twitter, I want a Trump free zone and I am not allowing anyone to pollute my pages with his pictures and fake information.

Second:  I believe one should get rid of their superstitions in order to think straight. I walked past black cats' paths and accidentally broke a few mirrors in my lifetime, and nothing happens even though there are people who try to compare them to unrelated events. Being afraid of this and that is no way to live, and it is very unfounded.

Good luck and bad luck depends mostly how one looks at things. The weak-minded pillow guy predicted that Trump will be re-instated on August 13 this year which fall on a Friday. It never happen,  Biden still is President;  To the Trump Nazis it is considered bad luck, to me it is considered good luck. It depends how you look at it. :)

I do believe in God, but I do not believe what some religions try to push certain beliefs down my throat. No one is righter than the other, that's what I believe so deal with it, nor do I believe I am right all the time and everybody else is wrong; 

Not only that, but these people who think you're wrong about religion also think you're also wrong about everything else, like math, for example. If a person wants to get married, they have to marry someone who is in their church, that's not right, marry whoever you want. Throw those stupid rules down the garbage.

And I will never be "I am brother better than you". In any event respect all peaceful religions but still I also believe there may be something wrong, when a person in a $1700 suit passes a plate and ask for money. Jesus came to earth to die, what does he need money for?

Thirdly I am not a misogynist I respect, appreciate and love women, and the love is pure love, not the type "I want something from you" Most of the movies and tv shows I had had bought stars mostly a famous female or females. Now this does not make me a stalker, it makes me a collector.

As for a person's sexual orientations, I do not care one way or the other, they're still beautiful people, and deserve to be appreciated, respected and loved like anyone else. so again, deal with it. It's not interfering with my life or others. Even though I am straight, I will have no problem flying a rainbow flag on my property. Let's get along.

I will never add fuel to the fires of hatred, I will never respond to trolls. 

Also, I cannot read or speak Russian. I have nothing against Russians, but I do get Russian comments on my blog, in any event I will never click on any links from people I do not know or trust. I had to delete a page on my blog, that took care of the problem, so I won't have to put up with 34 Russian comments, each time, they never been read, I do not have the time.

I will accept comments in American English, Original German or European Spainish. Play True Love video below, yes, it is a beautiful song, so I guess you want to see the whole movie, okay the title of the movie is High Society (1956)....*end*

                          click here for True Love

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Bottled Water Or Home Filtered ?

So what is the cheapest way to go on filtered water ? A lot of that depends on your household size and your environment *, so you may have to figure that out yourselves on which way to go or even half and half.

My city water tastes terrible but it is still safe to drink, in spite of that, I did buy a under the tap water filter that reduces lead levels, herbicides,insecticides  even viruses, bacteria by 99% etc. How did the filtered water taste ?  It has no flavor at all which is a good sign.

The inside  filter must be change every 100 gallons, there is a gauge that tells you if your filter needs changing or not.So what does that mean math wise?

Since each filter must be replace every 100 gallons, It means each filter can fill...
                     100- 1 gallon bottles.    (128 ounces each)
                     200- 1/2 gallon bottles. (64 ounces each)
                     400-  quart size bottles  (32 ounces each)
                     800-   pint size bottles   (16 ounces each)

Since most bottled water comes in 16.9 ounce size that'll come out to 757 bottles.Not bad for a $25 water filtering system and with replacement filters costing less than $10 each, not too mention saving the environment from plastic bottles. 

.One thing to remember most bottled water may be filtered local city water, except you won't have to wait to drink it,* but home filtered water really does NOT take long to be poured into a bottle, and to me it seems it is way- way cheaper saving hundreds or maybe even thousands of dollars per year.

Hot weather is just right around the corner, so it may be a good idea to have filtered ice cold water inside your refrigerator during those times. (end)

Monday, February 18, 2019

Olivia Newton-John

I heard news that Olivia's cancer is coming back and I also read that she is doing fine. Good news there.

I believe it was April 28, 1976 when there were advertisements that Olivia Newton-John was going to be performing at Terre Haute, Indiana, but there was one problem, back then I was working nights at a factory, I told the other workers (leaving the day time shift) "I wish I could see her concert" , my foreman told me I could talk to the boss and take a few personal days off.

 I saw Olivia performed. We never met , but I  was still breathing the same air as she was, and in the same room as she was; That was very cool  in itself and it made me very happy.

 In the 1980's I was writing fan letters and trying to get her autograph  I wrote to every movie studio and all the TV stations in California and New York, but according to the recent movie "Hopefully Devoted To You  (Delta Goodrem as Olivia)"  she had a stalker,  while watching the movie I felt  very selfish, she has problems of her own and here I am bothering everyone to get her autograph,  fortunately the stalker was caught and jailed.

I guess it was after the stalker got caught was when I got her autograph, not only that but a few weeks later Universal studios sent me a copy of her autographed picture.Once I got the autographs I made a promise not to write to her again, which I kept.

 I do follow her on Facebook and Twitter and retweet some of her stuff, but I never will reply to her; After all, a promise is a promise. That's just how I roll;  Just wish I can prove that I'm sincere.(end)
             click here for preview of Hopefully Devoted To You

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Reconciling A Bank Statement


Everyone has their own way of doing things, their way and my way, and here's my way of reconciling a bank statement. First off I write my "balance this statement" or "end statement" and write the total on a separate piece of paper.

Next I look at the check numbers on my bank statement and notice my smallest check number is 1910 and largest is 1919  I write those numbers down on a sheet of paper.
The next step is to compare those check numbers on the sheet of paper against the bank check numbers on the bank statement, if the numbers are found in the bank statement then they're cross out on the extra sheet of paper, if not then I circle them.

Okay let's suppose all the check numbers are crossed out except for check numbers 1912 and 1918. First I have to make sure they are actually outstanding checks, I go through the previous bank statements about three months back and I notice I have found check number 1912 so I can cross that out as well. 

Then I check if I could  find check number 1918 on the previous bank statements but I cannot find it in any where in my previous bank statements, so check number 1918 remains an outstanding check.

                      I'm not done yet
I have to get my checkbook out and since the current bank statement ended in check number 1919  I write the numbers that are in my checkbook on the paper starting with 1920  on-- with the amounts written beside them.

So what is OLC ? That's what I write in my checkbook when I pay by online check or electronic transfer; It's paying bills online .the dates and billers are also written down beside them.

I add the AMOUNTS of the checks (not the check numbers themselves)  plus the the two OLC amounts 1918 + 1920 + 1921+1922 + OLC + OLC

And I simply subtract that total amount from my "ending balance" or "balance this statement"   displayed on my bank statement, and the result is the money I have  in the bank now.

In short I find which check numbers are missing from my bank statements add their amounts then deduct the total for my current bank statement's "ending balance" or "balance this statement"

Of course there may be other charges as well, debit card and/or credit card which must be subtracted from the total and maybe outstanding deposits that should be added to that total.

Oh, one more thing if you want to make a cash withdrawal simply write a check to yourself and write that amount in your checkbook and then cash it from inside your bank.It's easier to make a record that way :)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Calculating TV Energy Costs

Last week I have bought a 32 inch led tv  on its box was a sticker saying if I only use it for only 5 hours a day and assuming my electric rate is 12 cents a kilowatt hour it would only cost me $6 a year to operate it. Is that true ? Let's find out. 

First off televisions like that only uses about 30 watts of electricity and if I use it only 5 hours a day  I need to multiply 30 by 5 which gives us the answer of 150 watt hours.

Next step is to change the watt hours to kilowatt hours I can do that by simply dividing 150 by 1000 which gives us the result of .15 kilowatt hours.

The next step is to multiply the amount of the kilowatt hours by the twelve cents electric rate .15 x .12 which gives us the answer of .018 cents a day, 

Finally multiply the .018 by 365 (days in a  non-leap year)
.018 x 365 which equals  6.57 so there we have it;  If a 30 watt tv is use 5 hours a day with a electric rate of 12 cents a kilowatt hour  then my yearly cost is $6.57 (six dollars and 57 cents)

 If the television is use for 10 hours a day simply double the $6.57 which makes it $13.14 a year.

Now if ones electric rate is only 6 cents a kilowatt hour simply half the totals:
                       $6.57 / 2 =$3.28 a year 5 hours a day.
                     $13.14 / 2 =$6.57 a year 10 hours a day.


That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...