Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Getting Autographs for almost nothing

Getting autographs through the mail can be fun but let's be honest the autographs may be autopenned, preprinted , secretarical signed or copies.However, if  people cannot wait for the 3+ months they can simply print them out from the internet.

The only authentic source I can thing of is "What's My Line?"  on youtube. The celebrities sign in on blackboards. So, you'll know the signatures are authentic because we saw them signing in.Freeze frame and photoshop--lol

Not only that a person can use photoshop to transfer the signature from one picture to another.Suppose I wanted the autograph to start out "To Stanley"  I look through the pictures and I may get lucky and print that one out.(One made out to a different Stanley)

If not, I look for indivual letters for example there may be one with "To Sandy" so the letters S,a,n, and y are there. All I need now are the letters t,l,e and y. Oh wait! here is an autograph picture made out "To Hayley"  okay that takes care of the l,e and y letters.All I need now is the t.The idea here is to keep true to the star's handwriting.Also remember the spacing and length of the star's autograph.

Using photoshop I would take the individual letters and edit them to say "To Stanley"and paste that on an all ready signed picture. For a 8 x 10 the best resolution is 300 dpi (dots per square inch).Print it out, frame it and hang it on a wall.

I usually make transparencies out of the autographed signatures, unless the picture I am tranferring it to has the same color background. Think of a tranparency as a cartoon cel ( transparent sheets of plastic).

Warning : Use them for your own personal use only. Do not sell them or give them away which I believe is nothing to worry about since almost everyone has computers and they'll be making their own anyway if they wanted.

As for the PSA/DNA I would just keep your money, To me, the only way to tell if an autograph is authentic is seeing the person signing it and maybe make a video of the signing but videos can be faked as well.

Below is a fictional story--lol

Every Sunday when a celebrity signs the blackboard I sneak in and steal it but I do replace them with a blank blackboards I previous bought. Maybe it is easier just ask the celebrities for their autographs.

Anyway below is a picture of  12 autographed blackboards I have had stolen--shh!  and they are all laminated in clear plastic to prevent erasing.I have recently 350 of them, so much so that I needed a extra room for them.Once the statute of limitations wears off each one will be worth top dollar,but they're not for sell; I'm keeping them. :P

Yep, I have been a very busy man--lol

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Are demons actually halluciations ?

In the Bible days people knew nothing about bacteria, viruses and other diseases they tought they were all cause by demons.They tought that all the world's troubles were cause by peoples' way of thinking.

When a person fasts more than two days either to lose weight (which is a bad idea) or for religous reasons they sometimes may see a grotesque vivid image in their brain that looks like a demon that actually looks like it is on the outside world. Exactly, what is going on?

Actually, it is not a demon but a halluciation put there by your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind knows you're going hungry on purpose it tries to scare you into back into eating.However, you can talk to your subconscious mind saying "Hey, subconcious mind I don't want to see that grotesque image but an image of a beautiful lady then I'll eat.!"

"Hey, subconscious mind I don't
what to see this below!":
            "But this instead, an image of a beautiul young lady.":

Now a person can also have halluciations when they don't get enough sleep.Same deal, your subconscious mind will make you believe that you're seeing grotesque demons, actually it is trying to scare you into getting some sleep so it and rest of your brain can do body repairs. That's why we sleep to repair our bodies during the night.

By the way the brain itself doesn't feel pain there are electrical signals like lighting bolts sending messages to different parts of the brain 24/7.

Now what happens when a person gets stinky drunk.First the reasoning gives up and goes bye-bye but to keep the person alive their reptile brain takes over in other words they are just thinking like an animal with no emontional ethics at all.

Reptile brains only have two things on their mind :

 (1) If it's smaller than you eat it or take it down.
 (2) If it's bigger than you run away and/or hide.

And when they keep drinking evenally even their reptile brain gives up and the person passes out. Next morning they wake up and vomit in the toilet "Boy, what fun they're  having !"

Drinking way too much can cause halluciations as well. A drunkard may see his/hers reflection in a window and think it is a ghost staring back .Since when are ghosts are fully clothed? Where did the ghost get his clothes at the ghostly clothing store?.

Here is a secret regradless what tv want you believe,real scientists don't waste their time hunting ghosts.Usually instead of saying they don't believe in ghosts they'll tell people there is no way to prove ghosts exsist or not.

One can of beer for a woman ,or two cans of beer for a man is okay. It's the overdoing that is dangerous to theirselves and others.

To me alcohol is not an option.

There is a good reason why Ghost hunters are on the SyFY channel and not the Science channel unless the Science channel is showing an fictional movie.

click here to see pseudo facts on Ghost Hunters.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bubblerock,Polka ,chicken dinner and horses

Nothing like a good chicken dinner fried chicken, mash potatoes with a pat of butter and peas in any event I made this blog just for fun starting with Bubblerock.There are four music videos plus a little information about horses.

click here to see "Do you love me?" music video

click here for "Mash Potatoe Time"

Okay here is a riddle:  What do you call an over weight person making change at the cash register ? Give up? A Chubby Checker.

Anyway I have no idea how The Twist began, maybe someone got stuck on a toilet seat and tried to remove herself/himself ,and then decided hey this would make a great dance.

 click here to see "The Twist" music video

Remember when you were a kid or probably still are and rode carousels at the fair or other parks?  The music you heard was most likely a Polka.    Below is a Polka called "The Chicken Dance"

         click here for "The Chicken Dance" video

By the way, the pupils of the horses' eyes on a carousel are round making them look more friendly, actually the pupils of horses' eyes are oval shape (egg shape)
Their eyes are on the side of their heads meaning they can see behind themselves while still looking forward (looking out for predators);
But they have two blind spots one directly  in front and one in back and if they cannot see you in the back you'll get kick.Never ever get behind a horse.

Horses can only see in 3D if they are looking directly forward but only 2D  at the sides.

And never smile at a horse or bare your teeth the horse will most likely take it as a threat. 

Horses do not have any red cones in their eyes the only colors they see are shades of blue and green. A juicy red apple will look green to them.

But horses do have a lot of rods in their eyes many more than humans(for seeing in black and white)and for  making horses better suited to see in the dark than humans.

      click here to see horses field of vision and blind spots

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Don't Respond

Okay, you're driving or walking along and someone decides to give you the finger their objective of course is to make you mad. Don't fall for it just ignore it and walk or drive away. Don't let them ruin your day.

Another example: A lady walking through my neighborhood saying "Stanley is a jacka** !" over and over again. I did not respond because I knew if I did, she would have kept it up. If I had the time I would have bought a jacka** mask and put it on and stare out the window.

Now I heard that there are nude celebrities on the cloud either real pictures or fake. This person or person(s) are trying to make the actresses or actors mad;But one starlett did not fall for it she uploaded her own nude pic  with her husband as to say "Doesn't bother us punk !" But getting their personal info like passwords, phone numbers their actual addresses these people or person deserves to be sued.

Now the nude pictures may be use to blackmail celebrities for a heafty sum of money.Act like you really don't care about those pictures that way the blackmailer(s) will have no hold and ruin their plans.It'll fly over :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Protecting And Creating Passwords

Protecting and creating passwords. First off don't use names of your actual pets , friends or family. Created a password with mixed small and capital letters mixed with numbers. 

You can always save your password on a USB disk and simply use your copy and paste.
Copy password from USB disk then on computer paste the password in the password box. Test it if it works first tough.

As for the password questions such as "What's the name of your pet?"  put in something that doesn't make sense such as "Model T Ford"  "What's your favorite food ?" put in for example "Thunder storms" don't forget to write these questions down and their answers and store them in a safe place.

Now I have a commode 64 computer with a password generator program that I wrote myself (see video below) but a person does not really need a computer they can use a deck of cards.

A playing deck contains 52 cards. 26 of them can be use for capital letters and the other 26 for small letters. The deck may contain two jokers use one for hypen the other for an underscore.If you want to use numbers ,as well, use number cards (Ace (1)  plus 9 number cards) with a different colored or designed back.

Be sure to shuttle desk at least 7 times that guarantees the cards are completely random then deal faceup 6 or  more cards and write down what each card repensents and that'll will be your new password put it in a safe place or use superglue to glue the cards together. If anyone ask tell them "Oh, that's part of a magic trick I use to do cannot find the other parts to it"or hide them in a safe place.

Another thing a person can do and if they're good at photoshop make a picture like "Cats playing poker" with some cards faceup on the table. Print it out,frame it and put it up on a wall. When people see the picture  they will simply think it's a cute picture of cats playing poker and no one will realize it is actually revealing a password.

Now, if you know a foreign language that uses Latin characters such as English  use the foreign words you know.If you live in the United States hackers will assume  all the passwords are  in English and have a tough time cracking the  foreign language password.

I do not know if Asian characters can be use in a English password box or not. It'll be a good idea though.Asian countries can use our latin letters and countries that use Latin letters can use Asian characters or a mixture of both.

Below is a video of my computer generator password program starting with the commode 64 listing. Don't use the passwords it displays since it can be seen publicity.

click here to see My random computer password program

Now the passwords can be more or less than 15 characters by changing the for-next statement for example instead of FOR X= 1 TO 15 it can be change to FOR X=1 TO 10 for ten character passwords.

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...