Saturday, October 24, 2020

Need A High I.Q to Get To Heaven?

 Need a I.Q to get to Heaven?  The answer is no, a person can be totally ignorant about the Bible and still go to Heaven. What is Jesus going to do, after a  person dies?  Give him a test paper and say  He wants it done by the end of the day? A person may know the Bible in and out, but what I am saying quit trying try so hard.

Basically, if a  person needs help throwing Bible scriptures are not the answer.. For example, if a person is sick, in the hospital, be there for her/him, but don't throw Bible scriptures, The sick person is only concerned about hers/his own problems and may be thinking ("Shut the F-up, or go home) be quiet or talk normally. In this case God will bend over backwards.

Yes, God does answer prayers, but the people themselves have to get off their butts to make it happen. Modern medicine finding cures may be the answer to prayers.

Is a person going to Hell? > If a person believes in this way, they are not really trusting the Lord. If you ever felt guilty about something then you're okay.

Any religion is okay, as long they don't hurt any body, in fact it may be God's will to be in a particular church,but don't let them control you.

There are some religions that are against same sex love and/or marriages,  I like to piss them off, by saying "Okay you have men in your church that love Jesus and Jesus loves the men, wouldn't that make them both gay? and yet you're teaching against it.

How about people without the Holy Spirit in them have dark colored skin, Boy, there's a big lie!. Guess what skin color Jesus is, let's say He wasn't blonde with blue eyes, He was dark and like most men at that time, only four feet tall with a 30+ year life span

There are teachings that if  people do not go to their particular church, you're suppose to Shum them, that's hate not love. Or you're planning to get married to someone outside the church, NO GO, according to their church rules you can only marry the missionaries. They're suppose to dress alike and act alike, that is not church, that's the military, but even the military allows one to have their own individual personality.

I was going to church in the 1980's, one day a young lady came to my house and ask if she can use my phone, to make amends with her mom, back then it was all landlines,  I allowed it ,and I didn't bore her with my limited Bible knowledge, but anyway she knew that I would get off my butt and help.

There are a lot of people in the 21th century quitting their churches because of their rules and mostly money,They say salvation is free and yet people are required to give the church 10% of their income.

Missionaries who go door to door to preach the gospel  is a waste of time, People just peek through the corners of their windows and hide.

So which church should you go to?  It's up to you, as long as they don't hurt anyone;  Or ask God which church you should join, but in this 21st century most people are quitting their churches because of rules and/or money or maybe being too controlling or just maybe they just don't want to wake up in the early mornings. (end)

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...