Friday, December 27, 2013

Vikki Carr and My Toxic Uncle

Okay in 1969 I was excited to see Vikki Carr being one of the hosts of a Thankgiving parade even tough I  had to watch it on a black and white televison, and my parents could watch their football game on their color set.

  But no,  my toxic uncle came that Thanksgiving went upstairs got the black and white televison, and place it on top of the color set and set them both on the same channel.  I wasn't excited by watching a drag out football game, I wanted to see the parade.

   Why do football games have to last so long ? Why can't they just tape the whole ballgame before showing it on tv  and  show it in 30 minute segments, day after day, like a cliff hanger ?

This is my autograph of  Vikki Carr it is not authentic but a copy.
Vikki Carr was born in El Paso,Texas and speaks  both English and  Spainish .                                                                                                click here to see and hear Vikki Carr singing.       
One August Vikki Carr was going to perform live at the Ohio State Fair, I heard the phone ringing  and assuming it may be my toxic uncle I did not answer it, I took off to the fair. God there must of been 500,000 people there watching her perform.                                    
After I watch her first show at 2 PM EDT, I fooled around the fairgrounds awhile until her second show. Did not get home until 11 PM   but I did get to see Vikki Carr performed, take that unc :P  
 I also bought an Vikki Carr program at the fair for $1.00 .I have no idea what happen to it.                                                                                    

Thursday, December 26, 2013

My Whole High School Were The Bullies.(1966-1968)

                      ROGER THE TYRANTIC COACH

My first year of high school in 1965 was not so bad (10th Grade) but at the 11th grade on the 12th we had a new coach. This guy lives and breathes football and worst yet he hounds students that do not go to his high school football games. Hey, not everyone is born with a sports gene.

I heard stories about Roger when his team lost  his players went to congradulate the other team he didn't like it.He yelled to his football players "What are the hell are you doing ?"  and gave all the members of his football team  a 2 week detention.

If I myself was a member of his stupid football team I would made sure that my team would lose like throwing the football  towards the opposing team. Even if Roger got extremely mad it would be music to my ears.

Anyway, I was glad Roger wasn't my gym teacher. Roger hounded  students by letting the cheer leaders  kiss the players who were members of the football team, but not the boys he was hounding  , and as you can image that hurt, not only that he told most students not to talk to them, but only the teachers were  allow to talk to them. 

At that time like most boys they were worried about going to war, and decided to stick it out until they gradulated.They did not have any games on their mind.

As you might imaged the students that Roger hounded never went to any of his football games ,since they were not treated right during the daytime ,they surely will not be going  to the stupid hound school during the evenings. 

Roger even pointed fingers to the students in the balcony who did not go to his football games ,and they are not going to either. When people  point a finger at someone there are five more fingers pointed back at them.

After gradulation most of the students went to war and fortunely most of them came back after  two years in the armed services including the students that Roger had had hounded.

Since these students were bullied they probably would  try to escape real life by reading super-hero comic books, and maybe still reading them way into adulthood. So if you see a grown adult reading super-hero comic books it is most likely they were bullied in childhood.

I guess the hounded students should have sued Roger for violating their  civil rights. If they don't wanna go someplace they don't have to..
                   Yes, Roger did look like Hitler but slimmer.

When problems like dealing with Roger the tryant or people get extremly hurtful physically as well as emontionally their 
only recouse is total abandonment. In other words just take off and leave everything behind and start life anew.

Football is just a game and some people take it way too seriously, like if their life were  on the line, like  if they miss or lose a game. They would also probably cause fights with the  people of  the other team.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Vacum Tube Music Sound

Before the 1980's almost every media device had vacum tubes in them back then electricity was really really cheap even my first portable record player was cheap cost $7.00 .It was an hi-fi player.Stereo wan't invented yet.

Anyway I miss the vacum tube sound the audio tube brighten and dim at the frequencies of a song and was then ampified. Since we have digital media now it is possible to transfer the vacum sound to a CD and the CD itself will sound like a vacum tube recording even with modern equipment.

  On a record player a person is actually hearing ampified vibrations of a needle and on CDs ampified vibrations of a laser.

Below is an example of a vacum tube sound the close as I can find.
click here to hear vacum tube music sound. The song "Supicion" will sound better with desktop hi-fi speakers the song is in mono hi-fi. 
One can guess how jukeboxes sounded like way before the 1980s.

Setting Old Stereos To R.I.A.A Standards.

Okay first what is high fidelity ?  In short high fidelity are the frequencies that can be heard by a healthy human ear (20 to 20,000 cps,{cycles per second}) .If you ever listened to an old 78 R.P.M the sound range was very limited.

  Stereo of course is separation  the very first ones only let you hear the bass from one speaker and treble from the other but the records still only played one groove at a time. 

  Then stereo records came out which had an inner groove (left channel ) and outer groove (right channel) in other words stereo records play two grooves at the same time one for each channel, not only that but any sound reguardless  of being bass, treble, midrange can be recorded in either groove.

  In the late 1960's a test record came out and it help people to set their stereos to the R.I.A.A standards, instead of just hearing separation from two different places you now can hear the sound in a 180 degree arc (1/2 of a circle) if one was just sitting between the two speakers.

 In other words it created "ghost" channels that "seem" to appear outside the speakers, for example girls singers in one channel, boy singers in the other channel and the main singer in both channels.
You still can hear the two channel separation ,but you can also hear
the main singer that seems to be in the middle of the speakers.

Of course we have something like 7.1 stereo now, meaning 7 speakers, each one with its own sound ,and  the .1 means one            woofer or bass speaker.                                                                                                
Note:  It will sound better on desktop computer speakers.

That is if your stereo is setup to R.I.A.A standards violins will seem to be in the left middle for example.                                                 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Mon's Ruth Lyon's autograph.

On our local NBC station my mom always had watch the 50/50 club as I recall it was on exactly at noon.  

I was in grade school at that time ,but we never had school lunches and we had to walk to and from school about 5 city blocks (1 1/4 miles) regradless of the weather ,and when we had lunch at home, my mom always had the 50/50 club on the television.

I remember one episode where they had a tv on stage and they change the channels to see what was on the other networks  There was no such thing as "fair use" back then and they got fined by the FCC.

Another episode I remember is when Ruth Lyons had Johnny Mathis as a guess star and she gave him a song she had written "Wasn't The Summer Short ?"  he did record the song.

 My mom had various albums of Ruth Lyons singing (most of which can be still be heard on youtube)  plus my mom  sent out for Ruth Lyon's autograph. She got it ,but even I could tell,even as a kid it was just a printed copy.     
                click here to see Ruth Lyon's 50's picture.
          click here to hear "Wasn't The Summer Short ?"

   Of course I did not like that song as a grade school kid--lol

Does meth make one totally stupid ?

Does meth make people totally stupid ?  Decide for yourselves. People in one neighborhood were laughing behind a guy's back because he was knocking at everyone's door trying to sell meth. Selling meth door to door ? How dumb is that ?

Anyway one person told him to wait and said "I need to figure how much  money I have and I'll let you know ". The idiotic guy thought the device the "customer"  was using was a calucator it was, but it was a phone also.  The "customer"  wasn't figuring any thing out, instead he was texting the police.
Bye idiot. 

HINT: Meth does burn holes in your brain as well as other organs.

Friday, December 20, 2013

The Child Molester In Our Neighborhood

One evening I heard a knock on my door it was a "former" child molester who wanted me to sign a petiton to stay around  the rented houses. He show me a clip board which supposely was signed by our neighbors to let him stay.

  It took no expert to tell all the signatures were the same size and the same pattern ,and he had writen all the signatures himself.  I told him "I am not signing anything", besides he could have use my signature and apply it to something else.The landlord wanted him out and that is the way it is going to be.He is out of there.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Am I stupid, I think not.

Okay, sometimes when I go bicycle riding there is this guy who says to me "Hi stupid",  I just assume he is talking about himself ,and I just ignore it ,and simply ride on. I think I heard that about 10 times.

One day I was talking to my friends Leonard, Jim and other friends
just talking and telling jokes just having a ball. Anyway the guy
who called me stupid decide to join the fun and again he says "Hi, stupid"  then Jim said to him "He is not stupid, he knows computers, plays chess, and good at math.That cut him down good..from then on he shutted up---lol  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Florence Henderson Autograph

 Got this autograph in the 1980's  and The Brady Bunch series
was way over. I have notice Florence Henderson in the 1960's match game and when I heard she was going to star in The Brady Bunch series I got excited. Some episodes however I did not care for.

 Anyway I believe this autograph is authentic for one thing the autograph has a tail after the "n' and another thing it took weeks
for me to recieve it from the mail ,and she wasn't busy being a tv mom anymore ,and notice the autograph is written at an angle which I believe an autopen cannot do. 

 I also went online to check her authentic signatures to mine also I wanted to make sure it was not a copy or pre-print. So I took a bit of alcohol and a cotton swap and dap it at the end of  her signature and sure enough it the ink spead (just a little tiny bit) blue ink in this case.

When people ask for autographs through the mail there is only a 20% chance that it will be authentic.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Finding Ghosts

There are a lot of puesdo reality shows of people searching for ghosts lately, but how come they don't find anything. One possible
answer is cellphones, yes cellphones.Remember there were no ghost hunting shows before cellphones.

 What does cellphones have to do with anything ,well cellphone numbers are usually not listed, but landline phone numbers are, unless of course it is an unlisted number.

People who hunt ghosts are actually wasting their time going to suppose haunted houses and other bulidings; But they did ever think of looking in the phonebook?

As you can see in this 1960's phonebook the number is listed.
To me all episodes of hunting ghosts are all the same.

Monday, December 9, 2013

My $80 A Month Apartment.

In 1975  I had an apartment from 1975-1979 they had two apartments inside of the house upstairs for $80 a month and tenants
did not even have to pay any other bills, but the bad thing about it
the landlord would not allow me to have cable that sucks when a
person is working nights from 5 PM to 1:30 am. I did turn the TV
on when I got home from work only to see the stations sign off.
This apartment was just right next door to landry mat and KFC just across the street not there any more.

Anyway my landlord was related to Carl Switzer who played
Afalfa on the "Our Gang" and "Litte Rascels" series. I probably would be excited about it if I was a 5  year old ,but I was around 30 years old. I heard news about Alfalfa's death ,and was even reading in the newspapers about a $20 loan at least that what the media was telling us.

  The house had a lot of antiques near the living room but there it sat a black and white televison ??!. 

Anyway in 1977 I got tired of being bored with the same fare on daytime tv so I bought a betamax VCR for $1000 and their tapes
back then cost $20 each. Now I can work nights and still watch
my favorite night time shows.. Hawaii Five-0, Bionic Woman. Charlie Angels,Switch and even network movies --Yeaaaa !
The beta tapes as well as the VHS tapes can recorded over and
over again at least a 100 times.

click here to see Alfalfa singing and cover your ears--lol

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Keith Page Autograph

Keith Page was a  weatherman on a local tv station 
WCID-TV (Champaign-Danville, Illnois). died on a Friday
November 24 2006. The day after Thanksgiving at 76 years old.

It is hard when someone dies ,especially few days after or before the holidays, or even  a few weeks before or after. The first year is always the hardest , .  rough years for anyone.

  When a person dies the mourners probably think no one else knows how they feel, believe me they do, other people mourn  their losses  and understand what other mourners are going through.

In the picture Keith Page is talking to my late dad in his wheelchair, at a VA  hospital ,  so I know for a fact that this autograph is authentic.Still picture is below.

     By the way the picture was taken way before I had a computer.This picture is not "doctored" in anyway. It was
taken with a polaroid instant camera, a pack of film costs $20 for 10 pictures.

Monday, December 2, 2013

My Andrea Jackson- Daily Buzz autograph

My Andrea (ON-DRE'-AH) Jackson autograph. I got this from
snail mail and lo and behold it came on my birthday...YEA

Anyway I decided to compare autograph pictures again for an
exact match but as you can see the "A" on the left picture is not
like the "A" on the right picture. The right picture has a  small
loop inside the "A"  so it's not an exact match which may be a good sign.
The video I've made is using "fair use"  on how I use photoshop
to compare autographs contains public domain backgroud music.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

My Hayley Mills Autograph

My Hayley Mills autograph.  I've been a fan of Hayley Mills since
the 1960's and sent various request for an autograph I finally got the
autograph picture in the summer of 1986. I believe the autograph
is authentic , just because it came from Scotland which is north of England also she wasn't making movies any more and probably not as busy.
 Hayley signed a slew of autographs hence they are worth
$50 and down from there.The first picture below is what I have recieved. Once I recieved her autograph I quit asking--lol
 I compare Hayley's authentic picture against mine using photoshop looking for a similar signature but not an exact match.

 This is the final result when I  super impose one signature of the other. The result not an exact match is what I was looking for.For example the "M" has two loops on the left picture and one open loop and one closed loop on the "M" on the second picture.As you can see the picture on the right has two signatures one on top another. Notice the messy signature on the right side.

did not have a windows computer back in 1986 and back, I had to depend on books, some of which listed a star's real home addresses rather than a "care of"  address and I am very sure they did not like that.Lot  of "return to sender"--lol

The autograph came in a brown envelope via air mail and a Scotland stamp costing 31 pence

click here to see Hayley's proven authentic autograph. Bear in mind people's signatures change as they age.  "HEY SECURITY, MOUSEBALLUS IS RUNNING OFF  WITH THE BLACKBOARD  !"---lol

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Karen Black's Autograph.

In the 1980's  I have recieve an autographed letter signed by Karen Black best known  for her work in "Airport 75"  I asked for the request in the U.S.A but for some reason it came from Canada. Not crazy about it any more since her death, but I know her authentic autograph is worth $200 and maybe double that, since it is autographed on her personal stationery. Notice the emboss gold Karen Black on the left corner. 
The autograph was scanned and place on the internet and I use photoshop to block out my last name (safety on the internet, you know) ,

What did I write to Karen Black:  "May I please have your autograph. I know I counterdict myself most of the time, but I 
don't do it often"

click here for another video of Karen  Black autograph.

Click the embeded video to see  a camera scan of Karen Black's autograph.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

JFK and Superman

Unfortunely most of my comic books were given away too bad
maybe I'll be rich right now. 

JFK and Superman. when I was a teenager I had a
comic book that had both JFK and Superman in it.
The story lines were about physical fitness and
who would take over Clark Kent's identity.That
comic should have been kept for right now
that comic is worth (mint) $150.By the way,
JFK took over Clark Kent's identity since
Superman cannot be at two places at once..

I also had comics with rare stories
in one Jimmy Olson story Jimmy was
soley on his own, Superman and the
rest of the Superman family did not
make an appearance.

Then there was a Superman story were
Clark Kent did  not  appear in his Superman
outfit at all. All his stunts were done
as Clark Kent.

Now there was also Alfred, Bruce Wyane's
butler who was also on his own and the
Batman family did not even make one
appearance in the story.
Alfred is on his own near the end of the Batman 66 episode. Alfred will be on his own
nearing the end of this Batman 1966 episode.Just click the link time  44 minutes.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I remember the day JFK was shot. I was in the 5th grade when I heard the news and we were told to go home I believe it was about 2:30 EST on a Friday.


When I got  home my mom was bawling and angrily told me what have just happen. I replied "Hey,mom I did not do it !"  then she started to laugh for a little bit, just a little bit.

I was still a kid and all I could think of is getting school days off, in fact we did not have to go to school, until the Monday
after Thanksgiving.

I also remember they had a live funeral for JFK and was telecast on all the major networks (ABC,CBS and NBC).TV  cable did not exsist then.

However my grandmother was upset because she couldn't watch her soap operas, she even call the local television station  to complain and was wondering "Where are my soap operas ?" Her favorite soap was "As The World Turns"

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...