Friday, November 27, 2015

What Is Sinning? (Rated MA)

So, what is sinning?  What I figured out it's anything that makes you feel well; For example, your teenage boy goes to the bathroom with a lady magazine and is in there for at least 20+ minutes. That is not sinning, that is quite natural, all it means is that he is an "er" bathroom reader. The Bible takes what is completely natural and makes a sin out of it. So what does it say in medical books about that: If it feels good do it, if it hurts leave it alone. It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Another example when it's a  rare day you feel completely happy and no health problems at all, but still the pastor says to you: "that isn't right, feeling that way, you're coming down with something, go back to bed".

Now there are other religions that teach people saying people that have different skin colors do not have the holy spirit in them. That is total nonsense. Actually, it is to protect them from the heat of the sun in very hot locations. They're shaded.

Some religions believe that wine is nothing but grape fruit juice. What ?? Wine is wine and grape fruit  juice is grape fruit  juice. Moses cannot get drunk on grape fruit juice, even though a person can actually drown their skin cells, if they drink too much of anything.

Another religion telling me I cannot smile or laugh because my face will crack, again total nonsense or I cannot watch television because those are the things I enjoy, and they don't want me to do it.

There are religions that do not believe in dancing, what? All it is exercising with music playing, but they're actually talking about nude dancing, if you're inside your own house there is nothing, they can do about it. In fact, in some states, you can answer the door in the nude, as long you do not step outside.

I had super religious people living next door to me that kept unscrewing my cable connections, however, while they were not looking, I screwed my cable connections back in, not only that I place a fake cable in my yard and cut that in two, so the super religious people will think my cable connection was still disconnected.

Even some say dancing is evil because it summons demons.  When you exercise you feel better and why they don't want you to do it? Because it makes you feel better..  If they have their way with you shouldn't be moving your body at all.A  person has to move,in fact any body movement a person makes can be considered a dance move.

The same with yoga it is not evil, it is just a form of exercise which will make you feel better. Yes, they don't want you to do it.Karate is not evil either, it is just another form of exercise basically, and why don't they want you to do it? Because it makes you feel better.

Even alcohol has its place. It depends on how it is use. For example, beer, without the alcohol is a health food. It is alright for a man to drink two cans of beer a day, one can of beer a day for a woman.

How about churches saying anyone who are not a member of our said church has to be shun, that is not love. Mostly the Church of Christ and the Jehovah Witness.

Speaking about the Jehovah Witnesses, I had a neighbor who was the member of the Jehovah Witnesses, he quit because they wouldn't allow his son to have a blood transfusion.Where in the Bible does it say you cannot save someone's life?

Also I don't believe them when they say "If you do not give money  to our church, you'll go to hell !"  total nonsense. What if every church in the world said that to you?  

 If your pastor argues with you saying, "Cancel your cable so we can use that money for missions" tell them "What in the hell are you talking about ?, there are religion stations on cable " Keep your cable it's your money not theirs.I know of one church that doesn't use the money for missions, but to invest it on department stores. Take control of your own money.

Now the Bible teach us that God has big pockets and yet we have to give 10% to the church that doesn't make sense. If you want to give fine but do so direct.It is an old Israel law, so if you do not live in Israel, you do not have to obey it, and just keep the money for yourself, or give them at least a dollar.:)

Some religions are so strict that the parents have extremely overweight kids due to their don't do this or that beliefs..Run kids run..

What about hot Mexican foods is that from the devil? Of course not, it is extremely hot in Mexico and hot foods makes Mexicans sweat which cools them off and they even take siestas (naps) during the hottest part of the day unless of course they have air conditioners.

Now God has to bend over backwards for this one. When a friend or family member is hurting for example at a funeral, you're not helping just by quoting Bible scriptures; Actually, at that point they don't want to hear it. What they probably want is for you to shut up about it. Sure, be there with them, but help them with your own feeling and actions.In other words, do what you yourself believe is right.

Now there are a lot of religious sites on Internet where people ask for help but the replies are always Bible scriptures that is not helping at all..

Now I do believe in God, in my own way and I don't like it when they say "were right, they're wrong" that is how some wars break out and also, I don't believe some of the mythos they tried to shove down my throat. No one is righter than the other.

What you're teaching me rich people do not go to heaven and you're wearing a $1500 suit. "What's going on, Preacher?"

Hell is just another word for grave and when the pastor says," If you don't follow these rules you'll go to hell!" it is nothing more than a scare tactic. AND if I offend anyone. Well... you know what?  I really don't care.

At that time they did not know about germs and thought all sickness and deaths was cause by demons.

Also I don't like dressing up in a suit and tie for a one-hour sermon. I am not a suit and tie guy.Heads UP!: God knows how I look naked..:)

              How I got rid of the Jehovah Witness:
I was taking a shower, one Friday morning, I had heard knocks on my door, I peeked through the window curtains, and it was the Jehovah Witness, so I decided to answer the door in the nude and had yelled with a real mean voice"WHAT THE HELL, DO YOU GUYS WANT?!" ; They had ran off and never did come back.Maybe I should have also answered the door while I was cumming.Believe me, no one wants to see that :),and the police cannot do anything about it, because I am in my own house and didn't step outside, besides I think it would have been a slap on the wrist anyway.

So to my understanding if you want to get to Heaven you have to be bored , feel lousy and downgrade everything in sight.

In summary if you do anything that makes you happy like watching a good movie, or eating a good dinner then you're sinning.

So,if you want to become a pastor, you have to preach everything people say and do is wrong ,and then ask them for big bucks.

How about deviled eggs, deviled ham and deviled food cake? Well, in this case deviled is actually an adjective and it means heavily spicey and has nothing to do with the devil.

So what church should you join? Pray about it, it may be God's will to be in another church, I do not know, I am not God.
                  click here for It Doesn't Make Sense by Whitney Avalon
Always respect other peoples' peaceful religions and definitely do away with "We're right and they're wrong" thing.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I need to do my homework

When I was in the sixth grade it was hard for me to do my homework the main reason wall to wall girls even walking from
school a few of them ask if they could kiss me. I told them "You don't need to ask just do it" which they did. 

One night I went to the movies and found an empty row of seats I sat down but here they come girls from my school sitting all around me.

Yes, I like girls but enough is enough I had to get my homework done.

Couldn't even do my homework at home  usually three girls usually went upstairs in my bedroom to see me. Now  my mom was downstairs and suddenly she heard a loud noise and yelled "What are you guys doing up there ?!" in which I replied "We're rearranging the furniture !"

I use to make myself up using my mom's makeup--lol
Not only that I used to excercise including facial excercises that were in  mom's woman magazines.

I exercise from head to toe. On each  exercise I played a 45 RPM record when the song was over that particular excercise was over and was time to change the record for a different exercise.It usually took two hours.

Seven grade was a different story the girls had their own lunch room and the boys had their own lunch room. What the heck !

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...