Friday, April 24, 2015

Helium and sound editors.

Did you ever inhale gas from a helium filled balloon so you can talk funny ?  Well a person can die that way. Helium takes oxygen away from the lungs and you'll suffocate.

Now there are apts and sound editors that make you sound like that you're on helium but in this case it does no harm no matter how much you use it.

There is a free sound editor software called "Audacity" no it is not filled with spyware, malware and/or viruses they just take donations.

I used to use Audacity (after I set it to input) to record my old records and tapes into the computer first before I burn them to cds and  if I had choosen "stereo mix" or "mono mix" I can record audio directly from my soundcard.The input cable and mircophone needed to be unplugged  tough since "stereo mix" or "mono mix" will record from those as well.

What I use Audacity now for is to edit public domain music so it will fit my videos via "edit" and "trim audio"  before I do that , I go to "effect" and click on  "reverse" so my audio track will play backwards then I highlight it to a point where I want it to end.

After the reverse audio is trimmed ,I highlight near the end ,click on "effect" and click on "fade out" and finally reverse the track again so I can play it forward. Why do I do this ?  On some music I like the way the music ends and after the reversing ,the "fade out" becomes  the "fade in"; In fact ,I have used the above method for the video below I titled "March Madness again???"
Here is the same music below in this audio only video except the music is backwards beginning with the backward guitar solo.

Below is a video of Ariana Grande and her friend on an"helium apt". They did use real helium once bad idea and I still don't know if they had mixed the helium with oxygen first before they have done that.

To sound like you're on helium ,first  set Audacity to microphone and record the regular way, after that .go to "effect" and "change pitch". To save the file: Go to "file" and then to "export" or "export section"

Not only can you sound like you're on helium (pitch level positive 50%) ,but you can also sound like you're on hydrogen as well ,making a woman's voice sound like a man by lowering the pitch level to a negative 50%.Just experiment with it.

A woman's voice is 880 cps (cycles per second) and a man's voice 440 cps. Both male and female dogs prefer to hear female human voices ,as for sellspeople both men and woman prefer female, unless they're looking for something important then it doesn't matter.

Here's a helpful hint: If you're at Wal-mart or any other department store and can't find what you're looking for ,and none of the workers are around ,stay in the same asile for awhile they'll send someone right over "May I help you?"---lol

Screencap of  the free Audacity sound editor below:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stopping Your Antibiotics Too Early Is It A Good Idea?

First there are viruses in which antibiotics will have no effect. I had bronchitis one year the doctor examized me ,and it turn out to be  virus infection, and I was told "just let it take its course" ,unlike bateria infection ,virus infections are not localized to one part of the body.The doctor prescibed a cough medicine with an expectorant and sent me home.An expectorant is an ingredient that helps one to spit out flem.

If my bronchitis were a bacteria infection I would definitely would have needed  an antibiotic which would make me feel a little better in about four days. 

Now here where some people make a mistake .they start to feel really better  in a few days .and they quit taking their antibiotics way  too early, and that is a very bad idea.In fact .in some cases it may cause that certain bacteria to grow into superbugs .and next time you need that certain antibiotic it will not work.

So when a doctor prescibes an antibiotic take it as directed until the whole bottle is gone.

The video below is a little juvenile but it gets the point across (no audio)

One day after your antibiotic prescription is gone you may want to try eating yogurt with live cultures because antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad.  ***END***


Friday, April 10, 2015

Why So Ballistic?

How come some men get so mad when their favorite football team loses?  Does it do any good ? Does it change anything? Maybe these men betted on their team and the other team won well... who's fault is that ? 

To me football is just a game ,yeah I probably hit on most men's nerve when I typed  that ,but it is just my opinion and everyone has a right to my opinion :)

There are some men that really go ballistic and start fights with the other team because their team did not win. Are they six year olds ? 
On tennis matches the loser always congratulates the winner by the shaken of hands and not by punching the opposing player in the face.

One of my late uncles was really  a sore loser when playing cards heaven help his partner. My uncle use to get extremely mad and if I had then the equipment I have today ,I would have video him ,and use special effects to turn him green and make him look like The Incredible Hulk on a rant rampage and if  we had youtube  in the 1980's ,I would have probably posted it even if he didn't like it. It's out there man and it's staying out there. 
    click here Incredible Hulk video 30 seconds.
The full 1980's Incredible Hulk tv series can be viewed on Netflx.

My late mom always told me when I was a teenager and maybe younger : "Stanley, you should be with the men watching the games" ;  I wasn't into it ,besides I had more fun doing magic tricks for their kids which probably made me an incredible baby sitter ;Not only that ,but I had various pets that I cared for , which also involves love and patience.
                              See my pets video below:
Did you know that Wal-mart and probably other department stores do not sell music CDs that have violent lyrics? 

If I hear/read/see  a CD with violent lyrics or a dvd/cd  that glorifies violence I would take them to the rifle range where the people there would use them for clay pigeons, in other words, they'll throw  them high in the air and shoot at them for target practice.

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...