Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Country Music And Separation

Remember the old chestnut if you play a country song backwards he gets his truck ,his wife back, his dog back etc. Yes, most country songs are usually about separation of one form or another but not always.
                    click here to watch Don't Cry Joni

                  click here to hear "Dear John Letter"

Now not all separation stories in country music are sad as this bottom music video reflects:
       click here for 'Thank God And Greyhound"


Monday, June 23, 2014

Sucked Into The 80's

When it comes to music I can mostly listen to anything ;To me it is not the genre of the music but what the lyrics are saying.After all a good song is a good song.There are two music videos below my picture.

I am mostly an oldie but goodie fan  but I do like some 80's music.Below is a song video titled "Take On Me" by A AH.

The other  music video below is titled "Money For Nothing" by the Dire Straits (straights) which also contains animation.

Thank you for being sucked into the 80's :)

Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Enigma Of A Brilliant Scientist.

One day I was showing my friends a "magic trick" I have invented. Really.The trick is to use a deck of cards cut in half the object of the trick is to match the cards the suits do not count.

I took one half the deck and took out the joker and laid it facedown on the table my friend Jim had the other half  of the deck, and I told him whatever card he lays down on the table this facedown card will match it and he was free to choose a different card at any time.

Jim decided on a card and had laid down a king of diamonds face up and I turn my card over (the joker) and yelled"Jokers are wild" and everyone  in the room started to laugh--lol

Days later at another friend's house Mike (who wants to be a brilliant scientist) I decided to do that "magic trick" again.

Same deal two half decks and no matter what card Mike would have choosen I would show him the joker and say " Jokers are Wild"

But guess what?  Mike's choosen card was the  joker   so I turn my card over which of course was the other joker but this time instead of saying"Jokers are wild" I kept my mouth shut.

Mike was amazed and ask me to do the trick again. I told him one of the magician's rules is not to do the same trick twice. So Mike had to figure how I did the trick on his own--lol

Where is Mike now?  My guess ,he is probably in some mental hospital trying to figure out how I did the trick.It will probably never occur to him it was all a coincidence. :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One White Dove

A magician shows both sides of a hankerchief and suddenly doves appear one by one,
actually the doves are perched on the magician's back and are trained to fly unseen behind the hankerchief..Well, they do fly.

Birds are not the only kind of animals that are called doves ,for example there are breed of horses called palominos which is spainish for young dove and maybe Italian for dove-colored.
Below is a musical video titled "Una (one)  Paloma (Dove)  Blanca (white)"  Una Paloma Blanca (one white dove) 
   Remember in Spainish the adjectives are usually after the nouns.
                               click here to play Una Paloma Blanca

Monday, June 2, 2014

My Super Great Space Computer.

My super computer or it's least a computer I wish I could invent. A computer that monitors all weapons in the world except this computer keeps all of them from working.

Rifles, guns and similar weapons will be disabled except for killing for food  and target practice.Killing animals just for fun will not be allowed.

Not only that this computer can control the weather without distrubing the ecology of the planet. For example people can plant crops in the desert.

However, when the computer causes rain in one part of the planet it causes drought in other areas, so the rain period would have to be scheduled and once their food and water is stored the computer will go ahead and cause it to rain in another area.

The super computer will not prevent natural disasters like Vocanoes erupting .but what it will do is try to delay the disasters until people are warned then safe and far away, and then will let nature takes its course. Reason for this is not mess up the ecology of the planet.

Below is one picture of my super computer that disables all weapons in the world including nucular missles.

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...