Sunday, April 17, 2022

Easter And Days

 It's the middle of March and our sun is at the Tropic of Cancer, or we could say that the sun entered the sign of Cancer, indicating that it is the first day of Spring. The first full moon on a Sunday after Spring is Easter. Jesus died during a full moon on Friday the 13th giving rise to the Friday The 13th superstitions, since it's a full moon then the moon has to be in the opposite sign of Capicorn (Goat's horn) *.The full moon is always 180 degrees apart from the sun.

July was named after Julius Caesar, and August was named after Augustus Caesar. originally August only had 30 days, but Augustus took one day from February which had 29 days and made February 28 days, and August 31 days. He wanted the same number of days in his month as his brother.

Speaking of the moon let's take one letter from" moon" making it" mon " and add a "th" or "month' the moon goes around the earth in about 28 1/2 days, almost a month.

How to tell if a year is a leap year? It's simple really, if the last two digits of the year are a multiple of 4, then 4 can be divided in the year without a remainder meaning it's a leap year with 366 days rather than  the usual 365.

 A number can have over a billion digits, but if the last two digits are multiple of 4, then 4 can be divided into it evenly. .Yes,,2024, is a leap year because the last two digits are a multiple of 4..

Why do we have leap year, the earth goes around the sun in 365 1/4 days which is why we have leap years every 4 years.

June,April,November and Septemper all have 30 days, the rest except for February has 31 days.(end)

* The moon doesn't stay in the same sign all month, it changes signs in about every 2 1/2 days; After being in Capicorn for 2 1/2 days it will enter the sign of Aquarius.

                                                            The Easter Bunny

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...