Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Karen Black's Autograph.

In the 1980's  I have recieve an autographed letter signed by Karen Black best known  for her work in "Airport 75"  I asked for the request in the U.S.A but for some reason it came from Canada. Not crazy about it any more since her death, but I know her authentic autograph is worth $200 and maybe double that, since it is autographed on her personal stationery. Notice the emboss gold Karen Black on the left corner. 
The autograph was scanned and place on the internet and I use photoshop to block out my last name (safety on the internet, you know) ,

What did I write to Karen Black:  "May I please have your autograph. I know I counterdict myself most of the time, but I 
don't do it often"

click here for another video of Karen  Black autograph.

Click the embeded video to see  a camera scan of Karen Black's autograph.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

JFK and Superman

Unfortunely most of my comic books were given away too bad
maybe I'll be rich right now. 

JFK and Superman. when I was a teenager I had a
comic book that had both JFK and Superman in it.
The story lines were about physical fitness and
who would take over Clark Kent's identity.That
comic should have been kept for right now
that comic is worth (mint) $150.By the way,
JFK took over Clark Kent's identity since
Superman cannot be at two places at once..

I also had comics with rare stories
in one Jimmy Olson story Jimmy was
soley on his own, Superman and the
rest of the Superman family did not
make an appearance.

Then there was a Superman story were
Clark Kent did  not  appear in his Superman
outfit at all. All his stunts were done
as Clark Kent.

Now there was also Alfred, Bruce Wyane's
butler who was also on his own and the
Batman family did not even make one
appearance in the story.
Alfred is on his own near the end of the Batman 66 episode. Alfred will be on his own
nearing the end of this Batman 1966 episode.Just click the link time  44 minutes.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

I remember the day JFK was shot. I was in the 5th grade when I heard the news and we were told to go home I believe it was about 2:30 EST on a Friday.


When I got  home my mom was bawling and angrily told me what have just happen. I replied "Hey,mom I did not do it !"  then she started to laugh for a little bit, just a little bit.

I was still a kid and all I could think of is getting school days off, in fact we did not have to go to school, until the Monday
after Thanksgiving.

I also remember they had a live funeral for JFK and was telecast on all the major networks (ABC,CBS and NBC).TV  cable did not exsist then.

However my grandmother was upset because she couldn't watch her soap operas, she even call the local television station  to complain and was wondering "Where are my soap operas ?" Her favorite soap was "As The World Turns"

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...