Sunday, August 31, 2014

Easier Lotto Total

To make sure if your lottery number is a good number it has to be in the range of certain totals (the bell curve range).

Let's use the old Illnois 6/54 lotto and find their number ranges and figure the ranges the old fashion way.

First we add  the numbers 1 through  54 which gives us a total of 1405 then we divide the total 1405 by 54 which gives us an average  total of 26.

Since this is a six number lottery we multiply the 26 by 6 for a total of 156.Now from this 156 let's subtract 26 and put it on the left side then 156 again and this time add 26 and put it on the right side.

This is the number range that your lotto number(S) should be in  range from 130 to 182 in the 6/54 lottery.

Now the easy way by just keeping adding numbers until we get a one digit total. Best one digit totals (6,7,8,or 9) in any choose 6 numbers lottery.

Suppose you're playing the numbers 34 39 41 43 51 53.

Let's just add the totals of just those numbers.
34 + 39 + 41 +43 + 51 + 53 =261

Now let's add the digits just of the total itself
2 + 6 + 1 =9 since it falls in the best one digit totals (6,7,8 or 9)  it is a good number to play except for the odd/even balance it's just an example.

Or by simply adding the digits of your choosen lottery number.
3 + 4 + 3 + 9 + 4 + 1 +4 + 3 + 5 +1 + 5 + 3 = 45
As you can see the digits of total 45 still add up to 9.

On the 6/54 former Illnois lottery (from the drawings themselves) most of the time the digits add up to 8  as for the current 6/52 lottery studies still have to be done.

To keep it simple don't play numbers all odd or all even . keep the odd/even balance.(3 odd 3 even, 4 odd 2 even or 2 odd 4 even)
By the way in the United States it is against the law to play lotteries in other countries.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Updating drivers on Window computers

Okay, you're watching a video and an ad pops up to update your drivers or the ads may say your computer is too slow and needs cleaning. Never click or trust these ads either they want to screw your computer up or ask for money.

The truth is you do not need to spend money to update your drivers just go to windows update and click on custom and let them handle it from there.

You don't need to install all the custom updates just the ones you feel you need .For example if your Netflix player quits working  windows custom update usually has a fix for that.

Custom updates are different from security updates.Custom updates are not considered as  security measures just something extra and improvments on software and drivers.

On most windows computers security updates are automatically installed.  

If you have a laptown that sleeps when the lid is close you should least once a week restart it and usually you will see a prompt saying" Installing updates do not turn off your computer"  The computer will shut down or restart on its own and you may have to be restart more than once.Don't interfer with your computer when it is installing its updates.

Don't spend money on driver updates.

Now sometimes a friend may sell you a product for your computer but had lost the driver install disk . No, worries just go to the product's site enter the product's name and model number and simply follow the instructions.

Note: Without updated antivirus, firewall and updates your computer will have loads of trouble. e.g.  the FBI virus which takes a 1/2 day to get rid of.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Pete Drake Forever and Laryngitis

No, Pete Drake is not a duck (drake) named Pete.Pete Drake is famous for playing steel guitars especially talking ones. 

I tried to make my mom's piano talk once by lifting off the top and yelling at top of my lungs "hello"  hoping the strings inside the piano will vibrate back "hello" which I kept up for some time it did not work. 

Not only this annoyed my parents, I myself wound up with laryngitis and had to see a doctor.Fortunely, in the 1960's doctors still made house calls.In any event don't try it.

On Pete Drake's talking steel guitar there is a plastic tube connected to a speaker and is some how ampifed many times which in turn vibrates the strings.

Pete Drake only has to whisper into this tube using his normal voice ,and since he doesn't have to shout, he does not wind up with laryngitis.

Below is a video of Pete Drake with his talking steel guitar playing the  song "Forever"
              click here to see "Forever"

Below  12 songs of Pete Drake not all of them have a talking steel guitar and In my opinion the beautiful song "Melody Of Love"  a talking steel guitar seems way out of place.

                    12 Pete Drake Songs--click here

Saturday, August 23, 2014

It's a scam

Anymore if a telemarker calls you it's a scam  (even if they mention your name) ; Don't answer any questions, they will record your "yes" and apply it to something else. People now- a -days do not call back any unrecogniziable numbers ,which is why scammers will spoof  legit numbers on your caller ID. Even their websites are fake like collection agencies for example.Best bet don't answer your phone.As for legit billing business numbers remember you call them, they don't call you. 

If they give you a choice of numbers to press for example "Press 3 to get on their do not call list now" press no buttons at all just hang up.Never press any buttons on telemarket calls.

If sellspeople are coming at your door it is a scam even if they have company names  sewn on their shirts. Remember, they are only looking out for their own interest and not yours and never sign any papers right on the spot and/or if they are in a hurry for you to make a phone call.Best bet lie, tell them you're already sign up on it.

If you get emails from unknown sources it's a scam. Click only the emails from companies or people you know personally.

The two mistakes sellspeople made at my door. First one was a man supposedly from an electric company that told me about windmills we have in town and that is how we save you  big money. The thing is we have no windmills in town maybe a few on top of barns but no strings of them any where stretch along our roads.

Second one a man supposedly from my phone company he even has my phone company's name sewn on his shirt. His mistake?  He asked me if I was sign up on "his" company's internet. See the mistake here?  If he is actually was from my phone company they would already have known if I was signed up or not.

Phone companies do have computers inside their vans to check things out,but in this case I haven't seen any vans or cars in sight.I told him I'm satisfied with my cable internet. He said "okay" and left.

If they call you it's a scam.
If they email you it's a scam.
if they come to your door it's a scam.

Only sellspeople I trust coming at my door are the girlscotts selling cookies "Chocolate-mint cookies please" that's my only exception.

                        sample of robotic call. click here

                                               example of a scam afoot--click here  Have your $2.95 handy for shipping and handling those gift cards are extremely heavy ??!--lol

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Putting The Two Together

In the 1940's the most popular films were monster movies and Abbott and Costello so what did the Univeral International  do ?They put them both together in some of their films e.g:"Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein" and more from there. The actors who played the monsters in these movies played their parts serious and straight.

In 1974  Warner Brothers and 20th Century fox  were making dissaster movies each one about tall building catching on fire.The problem was both movies were similar ,so Warner Brothers and 20th Century Fox decided to team up and make only one movie titled "The Flaming Inferno". I have seen this movie it was more like the building was under attack rather than having accidental fires.

Nearing the 1980's  the most popular film genres were science fiction and horror.So 20th Century Fox decided to put these two genres together in a film called "Alien" 

In the 1980's  comic book readers sent requests to see Spider-man and Superman together. So DC (Detective comics) and Marvel got together and made two giant comic books (taller and wider than the average size comic book at a price of $2.50 each)

And finally in the 2000's the most popular Nickelodean shows were iCarly and Victorious, so what did the producers do?  You guess it they combine the two shows together in one episode titled  "iParty with Victorious"  which is considered as an iCarly episode due to the "i" (the small "i" means internet so iCarly means internet Carly.) 

*Other comedy-horror movies I can think of are Gremlins and The Little Shop of Horrors (Hey, you're just a plant I do not have to feed or water you. You just stay in your darken corner and die--lol)

Friday, August 15, 2014

Never Slash My Bicycle Tires. (small claims court)


One day I rode my bicycle to subway when I was inside ordering my sandwiches a guy walked up to my bicycle and slash both of my bicycle tires also the intertubes. It was $20 worth of damage.
Fortunely I already  knew the guy's name and where he lives.

Instead of going to his house to ask him for $20 and to repair my tires I decided to sue him instead. In my county if the amount is $20 or more a person can be sued.

So I got a copy of the security footage and headed for court ,yep the guy was there ,and he was ordered by the judge to give me the $20 after I got my $20 the judge also ordered him  to pay $100 in court cost.

"$100 in court cost ?!  You mean Stanley plop down $100 just to get $20 back ?!"  "Yes,seems so" said the judge, "Since Stanley won the case he gets his $100 of the  court cost  money back!, If it is not paid at a certain date there will be jail time and/or community service !"

What would happen if that guy never showed up for court?  Well, in my county if  a defendant does not show up for his/hers court date the plainiff automatically wins.  :)
           Long story short:  DON'T MESS WITH ME !--LOL

Presently, I perfer coaster bikes the ones with coaster brakes on the back wheel. Why? On multi-speed bicycles it cost more money to replace their multiple parts. e.g: gears,handbrakes etc.

Friday, August 8, 2014


Now I heard everything. One day I visited a female friend and after she got off the phone she said her sister  is making pies for dead people. Whaaattt? She's making pies for dead people. Dead people cannot eat pies.What in the heck is she talking about ? It will be the mourners that will eat the pies and not their dearly departed --geeze.

   She then told me  that her sister makes pies for dead people for the funeral home I assume she meant that her sister makes pies for the mourners at the funeral home for the wake.*

By the way there are some people who pose as relatives/friends  of the deceased  or even relatives /friends of a bride  or groom at their weddings to get free meals and that is highly illegal ( heafy fine and jail time.)

*a wake is a ceremony after the funeral usually just talking and eating snacks and drinking beverages .

           click here for ghosts throw pies

Friday, August 1, 2014

My Temporary Fix

On Sunday July 27 2014 at 8 PM  I had entered my bedroom and tought I had to get an new 110 volt 15 amp air conditioner, but I also notice that I wasn't getting any power to my answering machine. Only half my room had power. The cause a worn out outlet.

Fortunely the weather was cool due to below average tempertures and I had wire nuts on hand and made a temporary fix until I can buy an another outlet.

The outlet I was working on gets it power from a piggy backed outlet and the outlet I was working on had an another outlet connect to it.

Now I only buy outlets that are UL (United Laboratories) even tough they may cost three times much more than the cheapy ones, and I buy wall plates with UL listing as well.UL test products to make sure they are safe.

Now an outlet is not an outlet ,a person must read the amps stamped on the outlet to see if they are  15 amps or 20 amps. 20 amps are for use in the kitchen. 15 amps bedroom and living room.

The hot wire (red,blue or black) must be connected to the small slots of an outlet (usually copper screws) and the neutral (white) to the long slots (usually silver screws), and the ground (bare wire or green) must be connected to the ground screw that is either on top or bottom.

Now sometimes on an outlet it may have copper screws on both sides so what do we do ?  We look for the ground screw (top and bottom)  or look for the side that has the longer slots on the front of the outlet , that will be the side where we connect the neutral (white) wire.

Now I take my time when it comes to wiring outlets if it takes an hour  or more, it takes an hour and more,and I always make sure the power to the room is turn off or I may turn off my main power and turn my whole house off until my work is done.Food in refridgerators will keep for 24 hours as long no one opens the refridegerator door. 

Sometimes wires on the old outlet may have to be snip off for easy removal and make wires inside the outlet box too short.
In this case we connect extra wires to the new outlet first then twist them to the wires inside the electrical box then use wire nuts that we twist on until tight. 

Just because an outlet is working does not mean it is wired right. Notice the long and short slots of this outlet and the ground. 

One with the small slots should always be connected to  hot wire(s). Large slots netural wire(s)  and the ground (bottom). 
Do not defeat  any of these safety features.>>>>

This is the tester I use after I had wired outlets if just two yellow lights are on it means the outlet(s) (is/are) correctly wired. Basically  if the red light is not on it is wired correct.

Now this tester will use red and yellow light codes to tell you why the outlet is wired wrong which can be read on top of the tester.(5 basic mistakes)

And finally here is my temporary fix  which I can add an outlet later. Notice the four wires that is because it is piggy backed to other outlets going to and from.

These are a bag of electrical wire nuts I fortunely had on hand.

Here is how the outlet looks now. August 1 st. 2014. I started at 11:30 am and had the job done at 12:37 PM.

Notice the two yellow lights are on and no red light meaning the outlet is wired correctly.
Job done :) .

Most homes in the U.S.A use wire size 14 with ground for their "inside only"  15 amp wiring. Different  amps use different wire sizes.Smaller the wire number bigger the wire. 

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...