Sunday, September 27, 2020

Two Candices That Are Look-A-Likes

 In the early 1960's during the summer I usually go to the Olympic swimming pool in Columbus, Ohio, The name Olympic was simply the name of the pool and was for everyone.

One day the pool only had a few people, maybe there was a ball game or something, anyway these seven girls suddenly appeared and started to swim with me, I believe they were actually from the near-by Catholic church, they saw I was alone, and bless their hearts ,they wanted me to have company.

To one of the swimmers I said "Hi, Candy" and unknowst to me, it was her real name. I explain that she reminded me of an another Candy--Candy B, it turn out that other Candy was her daughter. So all is forgiven, and we remain friends.

It seems that everyone has a look-a-like that is amazing in itself, but confusion starts when both look-a-likes both have the same first name---- I myself have a look-a-like and his name is also Stanley.

Imagine someone approaching me and saying "Oh, Hi, Stanley" and I am thinking "(What who is that?)" The only explanation is a look-a like, fortunately our last names are different.

So what's the difference between a look-a-like and a doppelganger? Simply a doppelganger is your exact in every way look-a-like that is often portrayed as a ghost or spirit in science fiction fantasy stories, Even the gait of how a person walks is the same. 

Yes, on crime shows a person may disguise themselves and change their voice, but it is usually the gait, how a  that person walks, that gives them away.  (end)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Devil's Number Suddenly Appears On My Arm---Why?

 It's almost Halloween, so let's scare the hell out of somebody :)

"I wrote a note saying: "Am I  the devil ?" and showed the note to my friends, I then tore the note in pieces into an ash tray and set the pieces of the note on fire, after the ashes have cooled, I rubbed the burnt pieces on my arm, suddenly from nowhere the number 666 appeared on my arm.

Of course there are religious people going to other people's door while they're watching a movie on television, but when they answer the door, the movie buffs don't want to hear religious stuff, they want to go back to their movie; But if they think people have a devil in them they will touch you on the head and tried to get the devil out, or they might even call an Exorcist, until you explained how the trick is done, then the religious group will start to feel like they're idiots :)

So what is the secret to this trick ? Simple, a wet bar of soap which is use to write the number 666 on your arm (which can barely be seen), then when the cooled ashes are applied;  It sticks to the soap , and scare the hell out of people, of course if you have hairy arms you may want to shave that area first, before applying the wet bar soap.

I myself do not believe in the devil, unless they use it as a metaphor for an evil person, or a person's subconscious mind (The beast). I believe the devil was manufactured to make people do what the churches want. Give us money or you'll go to hell, that sort of thing, 

Note: In the center of the Earth, it's molten iron and nickle and NOT a  devil with a pitchfork.*END*

See also "A=100 And The Devil" click on link directly below:

                                    A=100 And The Devil

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...