Thursday, December 24, 2020

Does The Devil Exist ?

Does the devil exist? Usually, I do not believe in superstitions, especially about the devil, however, on the recent news items about the American election, I was proven wrong.The sore loser is the devil.

In the first place those recounts he ordered are/were a scam, he has ask his followers to send the GOP money,  to be use for the recounts....Thing is, the GOP already has money, and yes, some states do charge money for the recounts, however, there are other states that use  tax payers' monies to pay for the recounts which in that case the devil pockets the unused money, for himself.

As for the stimulus checks: Will we get $600 or $2000 ?, if the devil gets his way, we may not get any stimulus checks at all, and, yes, you guess it, so he can pocket the money, other wise the government probably would  have split the difference and give everyone:

                                 $1,300 = ( $600 + $2000)/2

No defense funding for the American military? Yep, so he can pocket the money, he even tried to change the census, to lower the population of all of the 50 states; That would lower their federal funding, and yes, once again, he pockets the unused money.

In summary, he doesn't have no ones' interest in heart, just himself. TOO SELF-CENTERED and always looking for  ways to profit.

The Christmas Star:  Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction  in biblical times,at that time, it was said that a savior is coming. Now on the recent Jupiter and Saturn conjunction (no Mars this time). Do we have a savior on earth now?  and is his name Biden?  Of course, he is no God,, but he is a devoted catholic, and may have God on his side; The devil must get out of the white house pronto,, before he starts WW3; Just a thought. (end)


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Computers Saving Earth's Lungs

 Are we saving earth's lungs, well if you have computers and pay your bills on-line then we are, as you may recall from school plants "breathe-in" carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, while animals breathe in oxygen and give off carbon dioxide, 

So one can call the rain forests the lungs of the earth. There may be cures for illnesses , maybe even for the coronavirus, but men are destroying the rain forests and in effect destorying the earth's lungs.

Even the new way of making cartoons are saving earth's lungs,  Artist now can draw,paint or ink directly inside the computers saving resourses. Heck, computers can even replace the old fashion multi-plane camera. Check the video below: 

                        click here for Multiplane camera

The results of the multi-plane camera can be seen below, a cartoon titled "The Old Mill" it was a test before using it on the Walt Disney feature "Snow White"

                            click here for The Old Mill

You may have notice, the owl's eyes did not move from side to side or up and down, they can't, their eyes are fixed, but they can see behind them by turning their head 270 degrees, either way You will notice that too, in the Bambi feature.

So, when was the last time you saw a Walt Disney movie ? You should have at least two movies:  Snow White the first full featured cartoon and Bambi. 

Oh, one more thing: If you have a computer with editing software and can make movies, music videos, etc. then believe it or not, you also have a studio.  (end)

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Need A High I.Q to Get To Heaven?

 Need a I.Q to get to Heaven?  The answer is no, a person can be totally ignorant about the Bible and still go to Heaven. What is Jesus going to do, after a  person dies?  Give him a test paper and say  He wants it done by the end of the day? A person may know the Bible in and out, but what I am saying quit trying try so hard.

Basically, if a  person needs help throwing Bible scriptures are not the answer.. For example, if a person is sick, in the hospital, be there for her/him, but don't throw Bible scriptures, The sick person is only concerned about hers/his own problems and may be thinking ("Shut the F-up, or go home) be quiet or talk normally. In this case God will bend over backwards.

Yes, God does answer prayers, but the people themselves have to get off their butts to make it happen. Modern medicine finding cures may be the answer to prayers.

Is a person going to Hell? > If a person believes in this way, they are not really trusting the Lord. If you ever felt guilty about something then you're okay.

Any religion is okay, as long they don't hurt any body, in fact it may be God's will to be in a particular church,but don't let them control you.

There are some religions that are against same sex love and/or marriages,  I like to piss them off, by saying "Okay you have men in your church that love Jesus and Jesus loves the men, wouldn't that make them both gay? and yet you're teaching against it.

How about people without the Holy Spirit in them have dark colored skin, Boy, there's a big lie!. Guess what skin color Jesus is, let's say He wasn't blonde with blue eyes, He was dark and like most men at that time, only four feet tall with a 30+ year life span

There are teachings that if  people do not go to their particular church, you're suppose to Shum them, that's hate not love. Or you're planning to get married to someone outside the church, NO GO, according to their church rules you can only marry the missionaries. They're suppose to dress alike and act alike, that is not church, that's the military, but even the military allows one to have their own individual personality.

I was going to church in the 1980's, one day a young lady came to my house and ask if she can use my phone, to make amends with her mom, back then it was all landlines,  I allowed it ,and I didn't bore her with my limited Bible knowledge, but anyway she knew that I would get off my butt and help.

There are a lot of people in the 21th century quitting their churches because of their rules and mostly money,They say salvation is free and yet people are required to give the church 10% of their income.

Missionaries who go door to door to preach the gospel  is a waste of time, People just peek through the corners of their windows and hide.

So which church should you go to?  It's up to you, as long as they don't hurt anyone;  Or ask God which church you should join, but in this 21st century most people are quitting their churches because of rules and/or money or maybe being too controlling or just maybe they just don't want to wake up in the early mornings. (end)

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Two Candices That Are Look-A-Likes

 In the early 1960's during the summer I usually go to the Olympic swimming pool in Columbus, Ohio, The name Olympic was simply the name of the pool and was for everyone.

One day the pool only had a few people, maybe there was a ball game or something, anyway these seven girls suddenly appeared and started to swim with me, I believe they were actually from the near-by Catholic church, they saw I was alone, and bless their hearts ,they wanted me to have company.

To one of the swimmers I said "Hi, Candy" and unknowst to me, it was her real name. I explain that she reminded me of an another Candy--Candy B, it turn out that other Candy was her daughter. So all is forgiven, and we remain friends.

It seems that everyone has a look-a-like that is amazing in itself, but confusion starts when both look-a-likes both have the same first name---- I myself have a look-a-like and his name is also Stanley.

Imagine someone approaching me and saying "Oh, Hi, Stanley" and I am thinking "(What who is that?)" The only explanation is a look-a like, fortunately our last names are different.

So what's the difference between a look-a-like and a doppelganger? Simply a doppelganger is your exact in every way look-a-like that is often portrayed as a ghost or spirit in science fiction fantasy stories, Even the gait of how a person walks is the same. 

Yes, on crime shows a person may disguise themselves and change their voice, but it is usually the gait, how a  that person walks, that gives them away.  (end)

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Devil's Number Suddenly Appears On My Arm---Why?

 It's almost Halloween, so let's scare the hell out of somebody :)

"I wrote a note saying: "Am I  the devil ?" and showed the note to my friends, I then tore the note in pieces into an ash tray and set the pieces of the note on fire, after the ashes have cooled, I rubbed the burnt pieces on my arm, suddenly from nowhere the number 666 appeared on my arm.

Of course there are religious people going to other people's door while they're watching a movie on television, but when they answer the door, the movie buffs don't want to hear religious stuff, they want to go back to their movie; But if they think people have a devil in them they will touch you on the head and tried to get the devil out, or they might even call an Exorcist, until you explained how the trick is done, then the religious group will start to feel like they're idiots :)

So what is the secret to this trick ? Simple, a wet bar of soap which is use to write the number 666 on your arm (which can barely be seen), then when the cooled ashes are applied;  It sticks to the soap , and scare the hell out of people, of course if you have hairy arms you may want to shave that area first, before applying the wet bar soap.

I myself do not believe in the devil, unless they use it as a metaphor for an evil person, or a person's subconscious mind (The beast). I believe the devil was manufactured to make people do what the churches want. Give us money or you'll go to hell, that sort of thing, 

Note: In the center of the Earth, it's molten iron and nickle and NOT a  devil with a pitchfork.*END*

See also "A=100 And The Devil" click on link directly below:

                                    A=100 And The Devil

Monday, August 17, 2020

No, you're not seeing things

 One cold day you look up in the sky and see three suns, you're not seeing things, what you're seeing is what are called sundogs, they're cause by ice crystals in the sky reflecting the sun, the suns on the left and right of the real sun are called mock suns.(Just reflections of the sun bouncing off the ice crystals. 

They're are moon dogs as well, and yes the sun or moon may have a halo around them those are also cause by ice crystals and they usually indicate it is going to rain the next day.

Rainbows are made the same way, except it is NOT cause by ice crystals, but by water droplets staying in the sky acting like a prism. Rainbows may appear after a rain.

Sundogs are usually  seen in Alaska in mid-winter months.         (end)

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Why Wearing A Mask Helps

                       Why Wearing A Mask Helps

First let's go way back to ancient Egypt B.C. with a tomb with a sign warning "If this tomb is open you will surely be curse to die", of course there are no such thing as curses, what actually did cause the people to die were the harmful bacteria inside; Which they knew nothing about way back then; Later, they would wear so called "magical" masks to protect themselves, actually they were unwillingly protecting themselves from the deadly bacteria.

            Let's Head Forward To The 21st Century

When we are told to wear masks it is not only to protect ourselves or others from the conronavirus ,it is also to prevent the virus from entering a host, if a virus cannot enter a host it will eventually die. That's the main idea of mask wearing.

Unfortunately, there are some people with bad attitudes "I don't have to wear a mask, if I don't want to !" Let's forget about ourselves , and respect the rights of others. if 100% of the peoples of the world did wear masks, the virus would have been radicated by now.

This raccoon is reminding us to wear our masks, if that doesn't convince us, let's make an anagram of the word 'raccoon' by re-arranging its letters to spell out 'conrona" which means crown. So let's "crown" the coronavirus by wearing our masks.  (end)




Saturday, August 1, 2020

BLM (Song Blog)

BLM song blog: First a little history the group 'The Ink Spots' goes way back to the 1930's,  Nat King Cole was the first African American to have  a variety show on tv. Click the links to hear the songs from the various artists; One song each 12 songs total, various genres.

By the way: If you have an youtube channel and play music videos youtube will automatically collect all your favorites into mixtapes, and I must admit the songs will sound better if they're connected to ampifieled external speakers . Never the end.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Planet Pax and its Secret

A few light years away from our solar system is a planet called Pax. On this planet people live peacefully regardless of their race, peaceful religion or their sexual orientation.

The countries on this planet do not start wars with the others for profit, nor do they "frame"  countries as terrorist   in order to start wars and to get control their oil. nor do they kill their own or others for political gain ,or say there is a world wide virus that demands people to stay home to save energy.

Pax has no military control, they don't need it, since all countries on that planet never attack each other. However, if  missiles from another planet do attack Pax;  They   have computers that
 re-programs the missiles and send them back at the exact location where they came, and attack the other planet's targeting units, sometimes they will even write 'RETURN TO SENDER' electronically directly on the missile before sending them off.

Pax gets its resources from inhabitable planets using un-man space ships, since they figure it would cost as much to start a war as to go to other planets but in the latter case no lives are lost. (end)

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Allison And Heidi

Allison and Heidi are German twins that I had known in the fifth grade. They weren't just my classmates but were also my playmates , playing after school, and on weekends. I love them very much,but I must admit I liked other girls as well,but the German twins, were my favorite.

My toxic uncle, Don , did not want me to learn German, nor to socialize with the German girls anymore, because he had fought in WWII and told stories, as if he like single handed won the war, that night I was hurt and crying.

It dawn on me that I did not have to pay attention to what he was saying, after all he didn't like me reading comic books, which I hid every time he came to visit, he isn't my boss, fortunately at the time he lived 300 miles away in another state. I just put up with his bitching until he went home.Thank God it was only once or twice a year, soon as he arrives I wanted him to leave.

Let's say it's akin to the story of The Bionic Dog, Max:  
Max was caught in a lab fire when he was a puppy which made him extremely afraid of fire, but when his friend Jaime Sommers (The Bionic Woman) was caught in a middle of a forest fire, Max's love for her took over,.. he did a bionic jump over the flames to save her, despite  his extreme fear of fire...

Sunday, June 21, 2020


                  The opinions are strictly my own.

When a person does not get enough food, sleep and/or drinks too much alcohol their brain starts playing tricks on them.........I myself, while waking from a nap, saw a raccoon hula hooping on one of my tables; of course it wasn't real, but it'll be cute tough;  It's what is called lucid dreaming, you know that you're awake but also dreaming. The image I saw was vivid. There are also audio hallucinations where a person imagines sound.

One of my friends thought she saw a ghost, when she woke up one night, of course it wasn't real, Let's say it's like your brain is producing an image and seemly casting the image on to the real world,like it was from a movie projector.And she herself was only 1/2 asleep.

What about fasting? There are church people who fast and  say they saw the actual devil or even demons, those aren't  real either; In fact you can tell your brain "I don't want to see that, I want to see a beautiful lady instead." It's just an illusion no matter how vivid.

It's possible to fast for 40 days and 40 nights, I wouldn't try it myself, it's very dangerous.  They still have to drink liquids, if not your urine starts to thicken after 3 days,very thick, and have to go to the doctor. After 5-7 days the person is dead, even tough some people survive after 21 days.Best not to fast more than 2-3 days but not with out water or other liquids.
Below is a video of The Ghost Hunters even they admit that their show is all fake:
                  click here for ghost hunters


Friday, May 29, 2020

I Am From Krypton ---What ??!

Believe it or not!; There are people on our earth, right now, that are from Krypton. "What?,Stanley?, Have you been drinking crazy juice?"  which I  would reply  "Why?, Do you want a double?"; Not only that, there are people on our planet that are also from Mars and Jupiter."Okay, Stanley, we're going to be calling the white coats !"

There is a Krypton, Kentucky; The town WAS NOT name after Supergirl's/Superman's home planet, but long time ago most workers there used to make,sell and delivered light bulbs filled with krypton gas; via trains. Yes, krypton is a real gaseous element; unlike kryptonite , a fictional element.

"Okay,so there is a Krypton, Kentucky; But what about the people you say that are from Mars and Jupiter ?". Well..there is a Mars,Pennsylvania and a Jupiter, Florida :)

Saturday, May 23, 2020

My Life Alert System Kept Phantom Dialing

A few weeks ago lighting hit our near by phone pole and my phone went out. Fortunately, my cable internet was still working, so I was able to connect to my phone company from their verified Facebook page. I sent them a private message via Facebook instant messenger,of course I included my account number.

Once the phone line was fixed I notice the light on my life alert unit was red meaning there is something wrong. I called life alert and they told me to unplug it from the surge protector and plug it directly in the wall, nope still a red light.I tried different outlets with the same result.

Anyway to test to see if my phone was working I dialed a friend, my friend and I had heard a third party dialing, it was my life alert phantom dialing, so I unplugged the phone line from it.

I called again with the phone line back in my life alert system. This time I heard a busy signal and my voice coming from the unit's speaker. Finally, life alert called me and I told her the problem, she told me to push the reset button in back of the unit and that took care of the problem and the light on my life alert system was now green, why didn't they tell me to do this in the first place?I

I decide to get me a cell phone as backup, not only that, but the cell phone I have bought can be connected to wifi as well to the cell towers. So if for some reason my cable, internet or phone or all three go off: I still can get on all three via my cell phone.

I bought a 30 day card, no contract, unlimited, for my cell phone.It will last me until June 12th, 2020 in which I will be ready with a new card. Once the new card is put in, I can call a number or text them.

 However the easiest way might be to dial any number and a voice will come on the phone and say"Seems like your phone is deactivated,getting consumer service", they will then ask you credit, debit or pin? Since I will have a new card I would say "pin" and read them the 15  number code on the back of the card, once it is set up they will ask you to turn your phone off and on again and it should work.

Even if a cell phone has NO service the 9-1-1 will still work , it's the federal law in the United States, but remember the GPS will not be working, so you have to tell them exactly where you are. 

A person should state their location even if the cell phone DOES have service, since the GPS will find  the nearest cell phone tower  NOT your exact location,  it might be in another town or state from where you are.

Yes, you can keep your phone in its charger 24/7 once the charge reaches 100% the charger will automatically shut itself off, however don't use your cell phone while it is charging; Disconnect it from the charger when you are ready to use it.

 Do You have old cell phones just lying around just collecting dust, and are you in the United States? Clear your personal information and give them to people who cannot afford phones, so they can at least call 9-1-1. and tell them they must know where you are exactly are; Chargers are not hard to find, there are even surge protectors that have extra cell phone or for similar devices (like ipads, ipods etc.) charger ports

9-1-1 is a number in the United States for immediate emergencies only !(end)

Monday, April 13, 2020

Reading A Person's Aura And How Each Planet Sounds Like

There are people who claim they can read a person's aura and each person has their own unique aura color or the aura color changes due to their state of health.

This may NOT be far fetch as it seems, after all everyone is surround and emits electric magnetic fields, and this may be what these people are actual sensing including the changes in peoples' electric magnetic fields due to health problems. Don't know about the latter.

Even the whole earth is covered by a magnetic field, it is to protect us from intense solar radiation from the sun, otherwise we will all be burnt to a crisp, even other planets have magnetic fields.

 It may be possible ,if one is under too many electrical wires it can interfere with the electric magnetic  waves in a person's brain, especially if those wires are above a supposedly haunted house or live too close to a power plant.

Different colors of magnetic fields indicates different radiation levels and strengths.Think of Superman or Supergirl exposed to 'red' kryptonite this  red radiation extremely scrambles their magnetic fields in their brains and they become very ballistic.

Not only do planets including the earth have electrical magnetic fields they  can be heard as radio signals.Below are two youtube videos of how these planets actually sound like,use your earphones,headphones or external speakers.
              click here for How Planets Sound Part one

       click here for How Plantets Sound Like part 2

Below is a picture of the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) actually one showing of the earth's magnetic fields. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Got To Believe In Love

There's a place in Jerusalem, Israel where all different regions are allowed to pray among a limestone wall, none of that we're right and you're wrong, everyone has different beliefs and religions as for me I also say no one is righter than the other.I might say if the religion is different than mine "I have my own beliefs, but I will still respect and appreciate your peaceful religion" 

Most religious have teachings of hell, but they may be using that as a scare tatic so  people would do the churches' bidding, or stories such as Job that you get twice of much if you give at least 10% of your income; Or they might say for example the Greek symbol for medicine is from the devil and doctors work for the devil. What they're trying to do is to take money from the doctors and have it spent on faith healers and to me  all  the faith healers are phony.

Remember Jim Jones telling people in order to go to heaven drink poisoned lemonade, please be careful of what religion you pick. There were at least four tv faith healers that had their churches and tv shows shut down because of phony faith healers,yes if you know  preachers like that report them.By the way if a person believes in doctors or not, the state can force you or/and kids to see a doctor regardless of your religion,especially in this time with the coronavirus. crisis.

Make sure your region is about love and not about hate or downgrading everything in sight or asking for money 15+ times in one sermon. If you see a lez person or gay person or anyone else from LGBTQIA remember they are still humans and as such they still need to be loved and respected. This includes different races,and their languages as well...Yes there are religions saying if you can talk in other languages,it's from the devil. That is so stupid! I don't believe in devils and demons; After all this is the 21st century.
                                    KEEP THE PEACE 
                           (mouseballus a.k.a stanleyinparis)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Fun With The Commodore 64

The commodore 64 is an old 1980's computer that allow one to write their own programs using the basic language or to store information for example like recipes, It is still a useful computer.

The commodore 64 uses 5 1/4 inch floppies in their disk drive, but first the disk had to be formatted using this command, by typing
             1,8,1,"N: Your program name, 1a": CLOSE 1
 The first "1" is the file number,the number 8 is the device number which in this case means disk drive, and the final number one means to write.The 1a is the ID number and it can be any  two characters you choose. Once the command is typed  press RETURN, the disk drive will start rattling ,it's normal, after about 1 1/2 minutes your disk has been formatted and ready to use.

Now you can start writing your program
to save the program(s) type include the quotes: 
SAVE "MY PROGRAM",8 then press RETURN;
            (comma before the 8) 
 To load your saved program type:
To write protect a disk simply put tape around the slot on the left side.Even electrical tape will do.

This command LOAD"$",8:LIST, will list all the programs  on a disk, The dollar sign in computer language is called a string

The above will work only if the computer is using the basic language, but there is also a machine language ,use mostly for video games  Most of the time you can just insert a game disk and it will load automatically , you may have to wait 3 to 5 minutes before it's fully loaded,Machine language is 30 times faster than the basic language and it's the inner most workings of the machine.

There are times when a game disk has two games but there is no way to get to the menu, so we can use these commands.

         LOAD "1",8,1 to load first game (or file) on disk.

         LOAD "2",8,1 to load second game (or file) on disk.
Again, 8 is the device number, the number one after the eight means machine language

Commodore game disks has all sorts of games like Pac-Man,Chess,Car racing etc. and each of those games can be copied to another disk using coping software.A person can at that time buy joy sticks for the machine.

Remember floppy disks are actually flat recording tape meaning that they have to stay away from magnetic fields. As for modern CDs and DVDs they're nothing but plastic. (end)


Friday, March 6, 2020

Earth, Sandwiches,Fractions,etc. How Big is Big?

You order a one- third-pounder hamburger or veggie burger because it is bigger than a one-forth pounder but how much bigger is it really?

Fractions: (1/3)-(1/4) = (4/12)-(3/12)= difference of (1/12)

Not much difference, but the above... amounts to 1 and 1/3 ounces, or 2 tablespoons and a pinch more.Yes, there are two level tablespoons in a ounce.

                        Decimals: (.33 - .25)=.08
                   Percentages: (.08/100) or .0008%
So percentage wise we are not  getting  much more, ordering a one-third pounder.
                                    The Earth
Some say the earth is covered by 75% (3/4) of water others say that the earth is covered by 67% (2/3) of water let's find the difference between those two. 

Fractions:      (3/4)-(2/3)=(9/12)-(8/12)= total  again (1/12)

Decimals:       (.75 - .67)=.08

Percentages:  (.08/100) or again .0008%  

But unlike our sandwiches, the volume of the earth is a big deal, even at .0008 % it is still a big chunk of the earth.
The earth has a volume of 650 billion cubit miles .0008% of that is 52 billion cubit miles.   

In kilometers the earth's volume is 1 trillion* cubit kilometers and .0008 % of that is: 80,000,000,000 cubit kilometers.At present tough they say the earth is covered by 71% of water.

*A trillion is a number followed by twelve zeroes in both the United States and the United Kingdom. (end)

Friday, February 21, 2020

Doubling Pennies on Checkerboard Math Dilemma.

So here is a math dilemma: A person puts a penny on one square of a checkerboard and doubles it on the second square and  then doubles the second square  on the third square (etc). So how many pennies will that person have on the board when all 64 squares are completed ?

Believe or not it is not hard to figure out but time consuming Instead of pennies we can use math exponents:
For the first square write down 2 ^0
second square write down 2^1 ,
third square write down 2^2
Forth square write down 2^3 
until we reach the 64th square 2^63 . Now go to Google calculator and type in ( (2^0) + (2^1) + (2^2)  + (2^3) etc and once you get to (2^63) press the equal sign for the total.

Yes, that is time consuming ,unless we have a commode 64, or any other computer that has  the "BASIC" language. Here is the program listing .press RETURN after typing each line number and text.

50 PRINT CHR$(147)
100 FOR X = 0 TO 63 
105 PRINT  ( 2X)
110 T = T + ( 2X)
120 NEXT X
130 PRINT "TOTAL:  "  T

Line 105 displays how many pennies are on each square ; While line 110 adds all the pennies on each of the squares.Line 130 displays the complete total. Notice that the word " TOTAL: " is enclose in quotes.

You will notice that the program uses math exponents or the power of each number.For example 2  or any number that is not zero in the power of zero is equal to 1.  Zero in the zero power is undefined.

When done simply type "RUN" without the quotes and press the 'RETURN' key .It will reveal the answer within 5 seconds.
 It will display:  TOTAL:  1.84467441E+19.  That (E+19) means to move the decimal point to the right 19 places yielding the result of 18,446,744,100,000,000,000 pennies
To get the dollar amount simply omit the last two zeroes.

               Explaining the for-next statement:
      On the first round X will have a value of zero making ( 2X) equal to ( 20) which in turn equals 1.

When  the "next" statement is reached X  will  now have a value of  1 making ( 2X) equal to ( 2↑1) which equals to 2.

On the third  round X will be equal to 2
making ( 2X) equal to ( 2↑2) =2 x 2  = 4

On the fourth round X will be equal to 3
making ( 2X) equal to ( 2↑3) =2 x 2 x 2 = 8

On the fifth round X will be equal to 4
making ( 2X) equal to ( 2↑4) =2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16  and so on until it reaches 63.

Now what we have to figure out now is how big was that checkerboard ? Where did she/he got all those pennies ?, and which banks went along with her/him ? ; And once all the pennies were placed did the checkerboard fall through the floor? (end)




Saturday, January 11, 2020

Picking Lotto Hot Numbers

To pick the lottery's hot numbers all one has to do is write down the past 10 games with the dates in ascending order then divide the games into  two 5 number games. Games1 through 5 and Games 6 through 10 with a line between them.

Now all one has to do ,is to see which numbers hit at least twice in games 1 through 5 ;AND at least once in games 6 through 10 those numbers are considered hot numbers. For example the number 29 may be found twice in games 1 though 5 and again at least once (or more )in games 6 through 10.

                                 Good Luck
                         (don't go overboard)

That Sunday;That Spring

  Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life aler...