Sunday, December 11, 2022

Use Random Numbers to Play the Powerball Lottery


Yes, there are methods of winning the Powerball; However, in the Powerball the odds are really up there, so might as well forget it, and just buy a few tickets, It is best if you can choose your numbers that are in the bell-curve range. If you know math, you'll know what I am talking about. The Powerball numbers are random, so your best chance of winning is playing random numbers.

Yes, it will take a computer program, but what if you do? If you do not have a computer,? or don't want to use one.? Just buy a few decks of  playing cards and use a marker numbering the cards from 1 through 69; then use the spare cards and number those 1 through 29.

Shuffle the cards at least 7 times. The 7-time shuffle will make sure the cards are completely random. Deal 5 cards from the 1-69 pile and then deal one card from the 1-29 pile. Play those for your Powerball numbers, using cards this way, makes sure that there are  1 out of 3 chances, your number will be in the bell-curve range. Yes, you can simply use scraps of paper or index cards, but they will be harder to shuffle.   Bell-Curve range best totals after adding the numbers up 165.5 through 177.5 and on average 172.5  give or take a point.

Figuring the Powerball "Jackpot Odds " for  just one game:

        {(69 x 68 x 67 x 66 x 65)/ (5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1)} x 29 

              Or 292,201,338 combinations. 

                    "/" means divided by.                                                                                                               





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