Saturday, February 24, 2018

A Little Boy's Broken Heart

This is a true story of an amateur psychologist name Betty who lives about 15 miles west from me. 

One day at work she wanted everyone to come to some event during the weekend, and when she  had asked "Who is going?" nobody had raise their hands,so Betty had asked again, but this time angrily, hands did show up  that time,from almost everyone, except mine, I had my heart set going to the movies, and thought to myself what could she do ? Hang me by the thumbs?

Another "psychology" trick she tried to do is pretend to be a different person ,with a different personalities ,to see which "person" the co-workers  would liked best. Just because something is stated in a book doesn't make it true.

Betty probably thought raising her voice, people would do what she wanted, but all that did in reality  is to make people wish she had laryngitis.

I did see Betty once driving her car about 85 miles per hour on a country dirt road with her family and friends.I know math and would know what speed she was actually going.

When I was in Betty's small town some years ago she avoided driving down the ditch by running over a  miniature collie and killing it, just  to protect the looks of her damn car. If Betty did go down the ditch the car would still have been  drivable.

I myself would   have driven down the small ditch spearing the little kid's heart. After all, insurance probably would have covered most of it;  But that is not what is important here! 
 Because of Betty's wrong sense of priorities, a little boy's heart got broken.

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