Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mr. Pea Picker

 In a nursing home there is a man in a wheelchair who talks way too much. he talks and talk and he in never iight and he is racist, He still thinks  the United States is still at war with Germany and Japan.

He will say that chocolate milk is good fot the heart, it is NOT actually true , nor saying 1% milk is the same as 2% milk; How stupid is that?!

One friend stop talking to me which I believe someone is lying about me and putting words in my mouth, but I was cleared and became friends again.

He likes purposely sitting wrong in a wheel Chair and complain the chair was not made right,

Not to mention when he is in the shower room, he likes to order the CNAs around .

People can talk about any subject but Mr Pea picker will turn the subject just to him. Does he love his girl friend or is she another part of his property.

Is this person telling the truth, if yes heshe will look directly at you, if they are looking somewhere else then not very likely.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

That Sunday;That Spring

 Usually, when I fall down, on the floor, I can sometimes roll to my side, and lift myself up; But not this time, I had to use my life alert ,I kept falling , and felled three times that Sunday. and  I had to go to the hospital.

I am now in a nursing home.It is all for the     best, because I have been living alone, if I died hardly anyone would  know about it, but at the nursing home, people can check 0n me

I am 75 years old, a man's lifespan is 76 years. So if I stop writing blogs, You know what  had happen.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Supper or Dinner what is the difference. ?

So, you are having supper of are you having dinner. Someone can say dinner is before sunset, and supper is after sunset. 

The truth is that dinner can be applied to any meal, even breakfast, even though that dinner is applied either to lunch or last meal of the day. 

Yes, to keep it simple supper simply means the last meal of the day, and maybe snack-time after dinner. :) (end).

Monday, January 29, 2024

Phil The Groundhog


Phil The Groundhog, 
when Phil sees his shadow. it means six more weeks of winter. 

Groundhog Day is on February 2, but spring this year begins on March 19., 

If  we subtract those two calendar dates, we will find out it is 50 days divide that by 7 (days of the week)  and we find out there is still 7 weeks of winter, since spring begins at March 19 this year.

So it does not matter ifPhil sees his shadow or not, there is still 7 weeks of winter. From February 2 to March (19,20,21,22) NO matter what year it is !

Monday, December 4, 2023

Odds of Bingo

 Did you ever wonder what are the odds of  Bingo ? First off how many Bingo combinations are there? That is easy to figure out since each row of B,I,N,G,,O have a set of 15 numbers, using 15 in the 5th power (15^5)  or 15x15x15x15x15) we get 759,375 combinations..  

However, we do not use the number combinations to determine the odds of any one certain player, It depends how many cards a person is playing ,and how many cards the other people are playing. The more people playing against you then the higher yours and their odds.

So look arounds see how many cards are playing against you, if   9 players have 2 cards (18 altogether) and you are playing two the oddsa are 2 out of 20 or 1 out of 20 or 10% so every person has a 10% chance of winning.And most likely 90% of losing.

Meaning if you want to lower your odds on paid Bingo games,-go  during the week nights. Weekends will have more people playing increasing your odds  against winning.Or just visit free Bingo gatherings and just enjoy the game.

Technically, using math one bingo card are 1 out of 759,375; Or 5 bingo cards are played then the odds mathematically  are 759,375 / 5 or 1 out of 151,875. which gives us 20% of winning and the most likely 80% of losing. :)  Note: This post uses the American  Bingo  game 1-75 .End 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

i am what I am not--updated.

 I am what I am not, I am NOT a white extremist not for me.

I am NOT a misogynist. 

I am NOT anti-gay or anti-LBGQia 

I am NOT super-religious, to me, no church is righter than the other. I will  NEVER be;  I am  BROTHER BETTER THAN YOU!. 



signed mouseballus/stanleyinparis


I am  not gay myself, but still I have no problem waving the pride flag (end)

Saturday, April 1, 2023

So When Was Jesus' Actual Birthday..

 Five planets recently aligned, that's what happened in Bethlehem long time ago, three planets had aligned: Venus, Mars,  and Jupiter; It looked like one big giant star ,in the skies; That is what the wise men  had being actually following. Three wise men? actually the Bible does not actually  say how many wise men they were.

 Going from the recent alignment to the one in early B.C ,it is easy to use math to determined Jesus' actual birthday, and by using a Hebrew calendar it translates to our calendar as March 20, 6 B.C.  

Jesus was NOT born on December 25; They chose that date ,to combine it with the Pegan holidays. 

When Jesus was on earth, the year was change to the year of 0000. That is why this is the 21st Century and not the 20th. Have no idea why they did not start that year as 0001.

Jesus was executed on a Friday the 13th* during a full moon. In fact, Easter always is on the first full moon after the beginning of Spring. that is why Easter sometimes in March, other times April,

 This Easter Sunday, look outside and you will notice the full moon. 

The moon makes a complete circle around the earth every 28 1/2 days, which means it stays in a astrological sign for about 2 1/2 days. The word month did come from the word moon.

*Depends on what calendar a person is using, some say it was Wednesday the 11th.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Preventing Overly Cooked Chicken


At a department store, I stop at their deli and purchase pieces of chicken, except the chicken pieces were over cooked, my guess is that, they probably forgot about it.When meat is cooked at high temperature like 400 degrees Fahrenheit (204 Celsius) the outside of meat is cooked more then the inside. In other words, it will not cook evenly.

The best temperature to use is 325 Fahrenheit (163 Celsius).. When a chicken is cooked at 400 degrees it takes about 1 hour ;at 325 degrees it takes about 1 hour and 15 minutes+

I had purchased the chicken legs and thighs yesterday, and since I have diabetes 2, I should not be eating anything greasy. So below is a recipe for bake chicken legs and thighs.

When the pieces are thawed out at room temperature, I DRY-BRINE (without water) . by seasoning them with: Lemon-pepper salt, garlic powder and onion powder, of course you can use your own seasons, then I rubbed all the spices in then I let it sit for a while about 2 hours or more in the refrigerator, before I start my cooking,

 NOTE:  Wet Brine is when one seasons the water with spices, then adds the pieces and letting that be stored in the fridge, Be sure to dry them off before baking , by using a paper towel.

I use an roaster oven to cook my chicken ,set at 325 degrees Fahrenheit (163 Celsius).. Not only that I use a foil pan and place a rack on top of it, so when the chicken cooks, the grease will drip inside the foil pan, preventing clean up.

Of course the above method requires trial and error. So the chicken has to be check on, from time from time, the chicken is done when the skin is golden brown and the inside is pure white. Let it cool before eating. (end)

Also see Indirect/direct variations: 

                 click here for indirect/ direct variations

Monday, March 6, 2023

Getting Along Without A VCR


One Thursday I was planning to watch B Positive, but they change the times on me, it came on at 8:30 PM instead of 8PM. Yes, I could have gone to the network site the next day, and watch it there, except they cut more scenes from it, to show more commercials. I took care of that by going to iTunes the next day and downloading the episode for a $1.99.

So, what is a VCR? A VCR is a television receiver without a picture tube. The VCR has its own tv turner and a two-way splitter built into the machine. One for the input of the tv, the other for the VCR itself, that is how you can watch one program while recording another, or still record the program with the tv off, the tv only acts like a monitor.

A VCR has a least two heads about the size of 1/2 a dime, one for each half of the picture. What you see, when you open the machine is the head drum where the heads are connected. The video is always recorded diagonally. The soundtrack(s) and the speed track are recorded lineally. 

Yes, the speed is recorded on the tape meaning if you have a VCR that only records SP and EP speeds, The LP speed can still be played, but not recorded.

I had lot of VHS tapes, that I have recorded, that's when the networks did not have "bugs" telling what station a person is watching, I had them stored in three cabinets, then I purchased a DVD recorder. after which I can store my whole collection on one shelf, I had destroyed the VHS  tapes, since they were on DVDs.VHS tapes only last for 15 years.

Now there are DVRs that store your videos on the cloud. My cable company allows me up to 200 hours. To record a show, all one has to do is look at  the cables tv guide, and just simply click the red circle, it will prompt "recording set" , I did not have to set the day or time, I can also program multiple events, meaning you can record more than one program; And of course, the recordings can also be deleted.

So if you miss your programs there are always ways around it. (end)

Friday, February 17, 2023

Do Not Block The Vents!


Sometime ago I bought a refrigerator from a friend for $50. It was made in the 1950s, they made stuff to last back then. Every Wednesday a home maker, after taking me to buy groceries, puts some in the freezer but she blocks the vents, Over time it cause frost and ice build-up, even though it is auto-defrost. Those packages must be moved to the front,a little bit, to let the air to circulate.

The only way to fix it is to defrost it the old way, by unplugging the refrigerator., but I could not reach the plug. 

I had gone to the circuit breaker box and shut off one of the 20-amp switches. I had used a rope to keep the freezer door open and put my groceries in the bottom part of the refrigerator, and kept the door close. 

After 12+ hours, after using a wet-dry vac on it, I had turned the circuit breaker switch back on, and now everything is working well. Note: loose doors or bad gaskets may also cause frost buildup. Air must circulate.

New refrigerators are expensive now a days. If one is bought and it seems it keeps running and running that's normal. It will still turn off 4 times a day on its defrost cycle.

One can get around by buying expensive refrigerators ,just by buying a deep freezer for about $250 then an apartment size refrigerator for about $350.Of course, they do not have to be bought at the same time, or you can simply buy can goods, powered potatoes, powered milk etc.

When a deep freezer Justs arrived at your home:  Do not plug it in right away, let it settle for about 3-5 hours. later when it is plugged in, wait for another 24 hours before introducing food.

Remember meat will last 4 months in a freezer; After six months, the meat will still be good, except it may not have any of their original flavors. (end)

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Barbra Streisand


 In the 1990's, Barbra Streisand, had a concert, but the ticket costs were in the thousands, which I could not afford, but I did see her full concert. How? 

Well, in 1993 the concert was issued on VHS tapes for about $25, and later the same concert was on a DVD. It was Christmas, when I had watched the VHS then later on the DVD. I love her movies, and recordings, as well.

I have no problems with Jewish people, as well as other races, my other Jewish favorites are, Gal Gadot, Shira Haas, Chen Amsalem and Noam Lugasy.

In the unlikely event, I am able to see them in person. I would hug them, kiss them,love them, then hug them , kiss them, and love them; Whoa, hold on! -without their permissions ,that would be an assault, except for the latter, NEVER MIND! :)

Mr. Pea Picker

  In a nursing home there is a man in a wheelchair who talks way too much. he talks and talk and he in never iight and he is racist, He stil...